Friday Night SmackDown! 9/21/2007: For and Against
AGAINST: Hornswoggle's Vince's kid? Fuck you people.
FOR: Maria!
AGAINST: Country, Coach?
AGAINST: Mark Henry's in surprisingly good shape for a guy coming off an ass-kicking by the Undertaker.
AGAINST: They're not gonna try to do this again, are they?
FOR: Good for Batista to remember their history.
FOR: Jeff in a suit. Tremendous.
AGAINST: JBL and Meredith in the pantheon of great weddings?
FOR: Yang's kick to the top of Noble's head.
FOR: The Shannon Moore swerve. I like the fact that they've used the Hornswoggle angle to get the cruiserweights on TV.
FOR: I wasn't expecting MVP to pick the pass off. Maybe deflect it or something.
AGAINST: That car.
FOR: Deuce's jumping kick to MVP's head.
FOR: A reverse Doomsday Device?
FOR: Matt ducking MVP's blind tag attempt.
FOR: Butch Reed? Awesome.
AGAINST: That was a long way to go for that.
FOR: See, Jagged Edge actually needs the money.
AGAINST: Don't give it away now, boys.
AGAINST: I still can't figure out for the life of me what's supposed to happen to throw this wedding off kilter.
FOR: Well, you knew they weren't going to actually have this match finish tonight.
AGAINST: Three 'Heavenly Sword' commercials in one show? A bit much.
FOR: Hacksaw or Balls Mahoney in a suit? DEAR GOD THE CHOICES.
FOR: The look on Vince's face when Hornswoggle appears.
AGAINST: Oh, by the way... 'Rufus'?
FOR: I'd forgotten whose music that was.
FOR: Torrie giving the "cut the mic" signal.
FOR: That was... Candice and Mickie, right? Good looking out, ladies. Rev. Bruce: "Praise Jesus."
AGAINST: Candice's lighter hair. I've been meaning to complain about that for months.
AGAINST: The Godfather? WTFMF.
FOR: JBL: "I was there too."
FOR: JBL bolting from the announce position to catch the Train.
FOR: Well... that hadn't crossed my mind.

AGAINST: Hornswoggle's Vince's kid? Fuck you people.
FOR: Maria!
AGAINST: Country, Coach?
AGAINST: Mark Henry's in surprisingly good shape for a guy coming off an ass-kicking by the Undertaker.
AGAINST: They're not gonna try to do this again, are they?
FOR: Good for Batista to remember their history.
FOR: Jeff in a suit. Tremendous.
AGAINST: JBL and Meredith in the pantheon of great weddings?
FOR: Yang's kick to the top of Noble's head.
FOR: The Shannon Moore swerve. I like the fact that they've used the Hornswoggle angle to get the cruiserweights on TV.
FOR: I wasn't expecting MVP to pick the pass off. Maybe deflect it or something.
AGAINST: That car.
FOR: Deuce's jumping kick to MVP's head.
FOR: A reverse Doomsday Device?
FOR: Matt ducking MVP's blind tag attempt.
FOR: Butch Reed? Awesome.
AGAINST: That was a long way to go for that.
FOR: See, Jagged Edge actually needs the money.
AGAINST: Don't give it away now, boys.
AGAINST: I still can't figure out for the life of me what's supposed to happen to throw this wedding off kilter.
FOR: Well, you knew they weren't going to actually have this match finish tonight.
AGAINST: Three 'Heavenly Sword' commercials in one show? A bit much.
FOR: Hacksaw or Balls Mahoney in a suit? DEAR GOD THE CHOICES.
FOR: The look on Vince's face when Hornswoggle appears.
AGAINST: Oh, by the way... 'Rufus'?
FOR: I'd forgotten whose music that was.
FOR: Torrie giving the "cut the mic" signal.
FOR: That was... Candice and Mickie, right? Good looking out, ladies. Rev. Bruce: "Praise Jesus."
AGAINST: Candice's lighter hair. I've been meaning to complain about that for months.
AGAINST: The Godfather? WTFMF.
FOR: JBL: "I was there too."
FOR: JBL bolting from the announce position to catch the Train.
FOR: Well... that hadn't crossed my mind.