Wrestling Society X #5

Two recaps in two days? Perish the thought! What are the odds that I can make it through all six shows without skipping a day? That would be nutty.

-Tonight, The Filth and the Fury faces Team Dragon Gate. 6-Pac answers Human Tornado's challenge. Arik Cannon debuts versus the also debuting Delikado and Ricky Banderas SPEAKS!

-Opening montage.

-Jibbs performs.

-Clips of the fireball angle from the last show. This leads into the Banderas promo (w/subtitles, even though he speaks decently clean English). Apparently, Vampiro is the cause of his facial scarring after he rigged Banderas' coffin to explode. What is it with Vamp and exploding coffins? He promises Vamp that his days are numbered.

Team Dragon Gate v. The Filth and the Fury -

Teddy Hart and Yoshino open with a quick armdrag sequence. Hart takes control, taking him down with a Russian legsweep and picking up a two count. Both guys tag. Genki tackles M-Dogg, then takes him over with a hiptoss. He charges, but gets elevated over the top and to the floor. M-Dogg fakes a tope. He misses a dropkick through the ropes, but hangs on, snaps back like a rubber band and connects with a second. Nifty. He climbs onto the apron. Genki charges, but M-Dogg cartwheels down the apron. He leaps over Genki's head and whips him into the post. Flagpole splash (he holds his body perpendicularly to the post and drops down) connects.

He rolls Genki in and goes for a springboard something or another. Genki cuts him off with a dropkick. Team Dragon Gate get in a bit of double teaming as Hart tries to barge in, distracting the ref. Yoshino holds M-Dogg in position for a wheelbarrow suplex and Genki nails him with a dropkick. Cover gets two. M-Dogg comes back, hoisting Genki up and dropping him with a DVD across his knee. Yoshino runs in. He lifts M-Dogg up for a powerbomb, but he flips through into a 'rana and picks up a nearfall.


-During the break, Hart/M-Dogg hit their backbreaker/SSP combo, but the pin is broken up. Yoshino comes back, taking Hart down with Jimmy Rave's old satellite armbar. He cranks the Fujiwara armbar. Hart struggles to his feet and comes back, managing to flip Yoshino into a gutbuster. He lifts him for a scoop slam, but drops into a Stunner. Cover gets two. He spikes Yoshino with his cradle DDT (and oh how I love that move), but Genki is there to make the save.

Hart argues with the ref. Genki jumps him, scoring with an inverted DDT for two. He lifts Hart for a reverse suplex, but he slips away and does his double underhook Canadian Destroyer. Both members of TDG are down and out. Hart and M-Dogg both head up top. Hart hits his twisty splash (Open Hart Surgery, I think?) and M-Dogg connects with a Shooting Star Press. Ref counts both members of TDG down and this one is over.

-My future wife (a guy can dream, can't he?) and one half of the Minnesota Homewrecking Crew, the lovely and vivacious Lacey interviews Scorpio Sky. He plans to avenge his loss to Matt Sydal last week by beating the guy who beat Sydal, thereby proving that he's better. That guy, of course, would be Jack Evans.

-Interview with Human Tornado from last week after being jumped by 6-Pac. He challenges him for this week's show.

6-Pac v. Human Tornado -

Tornado attacks Pac immediately. He bails, but Tornado catches him with a somersault plancha! He pounds on Pac on the floor for a bit, but Pac ducks a clothesline , picks Tornado up and crotches him on the post. He doesn't sell the nutshot, of course, but does sell falling on his friggin' head afterwards. Heh. Back in the ring, Pac hits the Bronco Buster. He goes for a second, but there's no one home. Tornado connects with his dancing low blow in the corner and gets two.

He goes for a spin kick, but Pac ducks and the ref almost eats it. Tornado manages to stop short. He turns and Pac *does* connect with a spin kick. He heads up top, but Tornado crotches him. Pac tries to come back with some low blows of his own, but yeah…BALLS OF STEEL! An eye rake does the trick, though. Pac plants him with the most awesome looking Super X-Factor he's ever done and gets the win.


-During the break, Team Dragon Gate was kidnapped! By the YAKUZA, no less! The head Yakuza dude (who should have been Masa Chono) tells them that they're going to be re-programmed.

Delikado v. Arik Cannon -

Delikado is just B-Boy under a mask. Of course, I say "just B-Boy" like that's not twelve kinds of awesome. From what Google tells me, Delikado translates to "delicate" in Tagalog, but that doesn't really seem like a cool wrestling name, so I'm probably missing something, what with the me not speaking Tagalog thing and all.

Del (I can call him that because we're tight) jumps Cannon before the bell. He whips him into the corner and follows with a back elbow. Cannon slumps into the corner. That's a bad idea. Sure enough, Delikado scores with the Facelift (a VICIOUS running dropkick in the corner). He sends Cannon into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Cannon ducks it and plants him with a swinging neckbreaker. He whips Delikado into the corner and follows him in with a forearm strike. Whip to the opposite corner, but this time Cannon runs into a boot.

Delikado comes off the second rope with a Blockbuster. Cannon shortarms an Irish whip and hits a step up enzuigiri (which, had Del been kneeling, would have been his finisher, the Glimmering Warlock. But he wasn't, so it wasn't. I guess...). He drapes Delikado's feet in the ropes and drops into a swinging neckbreaker. Backdrop suplex follows. And then people I'm not familiar with hit the ring and attack Cannon! This is a DQ, I guess. They wind up on the floor, where Delikado splatters Cannon on the floor with an Exploder.

They place Cannon on a table at ringside and one of the nameless dudes comes off the top with a double stomp, driving him through the table. The other nameless dude brings out a wheelbarrow full of "cement." The dunk Cannon's head into it (and it doesn't even explode!) and end up placing a dead fish on his prone body. The announcers know what that signifies to Italians, but have no idea what it means if Mexicans do it. Why don't we ponder it until next week?

Speaking of next week…more stuff.


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