Wrestling Society X #4

I decided to hold this recap until after the marathon (or, I'm lazy. YOU DECIDE!) so that I could do six recaps in six days, leading to the exciting series finale (?) of the fine Wrestling Society X programming. And I'm being totally serious with that last line, as I think they put out a very enjoyable product. As I've probably said in the past, it might be stupid fun…but it's still fun. I'll be sorry to see it go.

-On tonight's show, Scorpio Sky makes his debut against Matt Sydal. Human Tornado faces El Hombre. Will someone answer Keepin' It Gangsta's open challenge? And 6-Pac is in the house!


-Clipse perform "Wamp Wamp (What It Do?). I always thought (well actually, I never gave it much thought at all) that Clipse was one person. What do I know? And this song title is what I dredged up from my friend named Google. If it's wrong, my bad.

Matt Sydal (w/Lizzy Valentine) v. Scorpio Sky -

Scorp is probably best known for his work in PWG. Really talented, but for some reason, he doesn't get even the small amount of hype that other SoCal guys not named Super Dragon do. Before the match, Scorp hands Lizzy an autographed head shot, which she promptly crumples up. What a bitch.

Scorp and Sydal get into a shoving match. Scorp tackles him and they trade armdrags. Both guys want a hiptoss, but that's going nowhere. Sydal ducks a clothesline and takes Sky over with a headscissors. Now it's Scorp's turn to duck a clothesline. He leaps to the second rope and scores with a 'rana of his own. Sydal bails. He climbs onto the apron and drives a shoulder to Sky's gut. He goes for a sunset flip, but no dice. He bridges to his feet and bounces off the ropes. Scorp catches him, planting him with a quebradora. Cover gets two.

Lizzy climbs onto the apron, distracting Scorpio. Sydal jumps him and grabs a rear waistlock. Sky reverses, but Sydal elbows free. He backflips off the ropes, landing in position for his version of the Final Cut. He covers, but Sky escapes at two. Sydal whips him into the corner, following with a nifty clothesline that sees him slide between the ropes and onto the apron. He slingshots back in, connecting with a dropkick to Sky, who is prone in the corner. Cover gets two.

Scorpio Sky comes back with a European uppercut and follows with a leg lariat. Sydal rolls out, but Sky connects with a somersault plancha! He rolls Sydal in. Lizzy grabs his leg. Sydal yanks him down and hits a standing moonsault for two. He goes for a whip, but Scorp reverses him into the corner. He charges, but runs into a boot. Sydal goes for something or another, but Sky elevates him into a spinebuster. He heads up top, but gets cut off. Sydal plants him with his moonsault belly to belly (called the Cyclorama) and gets the win! Postmatch, Lizzy comes in and writes "H8R" on Scorpio Sky's back with her lipstick.

Really fun, back and forth match. Scorpio Sky is really underrated. I'd love to see him show up on the East Coast, just so he could get a bit more hype. I enjoy watching Sydal work, be he comes across as really bland personality-wise. Won't hold him back much on the shows he works just because the flashy offense will always pull in the crowd, but yeah…he's definitely not a total package as far as that goes.

-Last week, a fan (Marcus Riot) approached Jack Evans after the show, letting him know that he was his favorite wrestler. He asks Evans to check out his DVD. Evans agrees…then proceeds to deliver a nutshot. So this week, on WSXtra…it's go time.

-The tag challenge? It's next!


-Backstage, Ruckus is looking for his ladder. He can't go to the ring without his ladder, by gawd! Babi Slymm tells him to calm down and presents him with a new ladder. Not just any ladder, though...a BLINGED OUT ladder! Complete with special effects to make it look even gaudier. God, I love WSX. That shit better explode later, or I'll be sad. They head to the ring, calling out any other team in WSX. Who will answer the call?

Keepin' It Gangsta v. That 70's Team -

Ruckus opens the match with Joey Ryan, who quickly oils himself up. Clipse mark out for Disco Machine's "ass tassels." Anyway, headscissors by Ruckus. Ryan armdrags him, but Ruckus handsprings into the ropes, Tajiri-style, and connects with a spinning kick. Tag to Slymm. Ryan needs his inhaler. He turns around and takes a double gut kick from K.I.G. They take him over with a hiptoss and Ruckus adds a double stomp to the head. Babi Slymm drops an elbow, but can only get two. Jawbreaker by Ryan. He dropkicks Slymm and makes the tag to Disco Machine.

He climbs onto Slymm's shoulders, but can't get him over. Ryan kicks Slymm in the gut and Disco turns it into a victory roll for two. He follows with a satellite headscissors, then sets up his stepladder in the ring. He dances for Ruckus, drawing him in and distracting the ref. TST double teams Slymm. They set up for a double backdrop, but Slymm leapfrogs Ryan and yanks his tights down. Ryan, as usual, doesn't really care. He lays in some forearms and bounces off the ropes. Slymm cuts him off with a clothesline.

Ruckus tags in and cleans house. He hits the Razzle Dazzle (a flippier version of Muta's handspring elbow) on Ryan in the corner. He then rolls directly into an axe kick on Disco. Tag to Slymm. KIG set Disco up for something, but Ryan breaks it up with a superkick to Ruckus. Slymm plants him with a spinning uranage. Ruckus is still in there, planting Disco with a spinning neckbreaker.

He ties Ryan to the Tree of Woe and smashes a disco ball into his, err…disco balls. They set up the ladder across the ring, then Ruckus places Disco's stepladder in Ryan's face. He climbs the ladder and comes off with a front flip Van Terminator (which I believe he calls the Poetic Ruckus). That looked fatal. Slymm makes the cover and Keepin' It Gangsta are your winners.

This was a bit messy, but these shows cram so much into every match that you don't have much time to notice the occasional blown spot. Ruckus was friggin' *awful* back in the day, but over the past two years or so, he's gotten way better. He still has a tendency to name every single spot he does like some sort of e-fedder (oh, I went there), but yeah, you don't get much flashier.


-Video package hyping "Anarchist" Arik Cannon. Oh man, I love Cannon. Doesn't look like he could possibly be any good at all, but the guy can work his ass off. Also, he wears the trash bag tights. Gotta love it.

El Hombre Blanco Enmascarado v...

But wait! We cut backstage and the Human Tornado has been laid out. Back to the ring. We'll assume it was 6-Pac's doing , as he hits the ring and nails Hombre with a spin kick. Pac calls Vampiro out. And jus like that…here he comes! They glare at one another from across the ring as Vamp takes off his vest. We hear some music that apparently Vamp can't and a mystery man (Ricky Banderas!!!) with a scarred up face attacks him from behind! He whips Vamp through the railing outside, then whips him into the apron. Time for the notorious fireball spot that got MTV's panties in a bunch? Eh eh...Banderas throws something that *RIPS A HOLE IN THE SPACE TIME CONTINUUM!* No wonder MTV didn't want this to make air, as Banderas essentially just BROKE REALITY! Heh. What amazingly bad special effects this entire segment has. I love this show. Banderas looks into the camera and his eyes GLOW like Raiden from Mortal Kombat or something. Dude. Take that, Undertaker. Your goofy little lightning attacks are nothing next to this shit.

Next week...stuff.


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