Wrestling Society X #7

-Tonight, we get Matt Sydal versus Human Tornado, Arik Cannon challenges The Cartel (and he's not coming alone!) and Los Pochos Guapos square off with The Filth and the Fury.

-Opening montage.

-Quietdrive performs Rise From the Ashes. Ricky Banderas throws Youth Suicide onto the stage and kills the shit out of him. A roadie gets in the way and ends up being powerbombed off of the stage and through a table. Vampiro looks on. Next week, the title is on the line.

-The guys from Quietdrive (who probably have names, if I cared enough to look) join in on commentary.

The Cartel (w/El Jefe & Mongol) v. Arik Cannon and…

The Cartel is Delikado's new group. It's him, Lil' Cholo (mostly a SoCal worker, though he's popped in CZW in the past. Kinda gets slagged as being B-Boy lite), El Jefe (probably best known for appearing on the wrestling episode of Monster Garage) & Mongol. Cannon's partner is "Vicious" Vic Grimes and my, has he grown. He's gotta be pushing 500 pounds at this point.

Match starts and Cannon whips Delikado into the corner. Grimes splashes him and we get the goofy WSX camera shake that indicates a big spot. Might be appropriate here, though. He follows with an Umaga-style ass splash in the corner. Grimes climbs to the second rope, then drops into a low headbutt. Twisting moonsault (!!) misses. Delikado comes back with a step up enzuigiri. Tag to Lil' Cholo. He dropkicks Grimes, sending him to the floor, then follows with a dropkick through the ropes. He then slingshots himself over the top, into a 'rana on Grimes.

The Cartel stomp on Grimes on the floor. Arik Cannon stands idly by with his thumb up his ass. Figuratively speaking, of course. Grimes is rolled in. Cholo splashes him, but can only get two. Grimes comes back, whipping Cholo into the corner. He goes for the floatover, but Grimes catches him and plants him with a standing Iconoclasm (I believe he calls it the Victimizer 2.0). Cannon tags in and charges. Cholo takes him down with a drop toehold into the corner. Saito suplex by Cholo.

Some chick in a mask (SHIMMER wrestler Sara Del Ray) runs in. Cholo hesitates to hit her and she spikes him with a Saito suplex of her own. She tosses Cholo out. Grimes comes in and lifts Delikado into a Canadian Backbreaker (probably setting up the original version of the Victimizer, where he turns it into a piledriver). Mongol and El Jefe run in and clip his knees. At ringside, the nameless chick whips Cholo into the steps.. Back in the ring, Delikado hits a Blockbuster on Grimes. Shining Wizard connects! He covers (w/Mongol & El Jefe piling on) and The Cartel pick up the win!

-Backstage, Lizzy Valentine is reading some "fan mail." Matt Sydal tells her that if he beats Human Tornado tonight, they'll get more magazine covers for sure. Lizzy tells him that he's the *only* pimp in WSX. Sydal's shoulder is sore, so Lizzy gives him a rubdown, while surreptitiously hiding the letter in her pocket.


Matt Sydal (w/ Lizzy) v. Human Tornado -

Before the match, Tornado kicks game to Lizzy. She tells him to talk to the hand, then grabs him by the 'fro. Sydal takes the opportunity and attacks him. Tornado reverses a whip and connects with a dropkick. He follows with the Pounce. Period. Sydal rolls out. Tornado bounces off the rope and goes for a HUGE flip dive. Lizzy yanks Sydal out of the way and Tornado takes out an entire section of fans. The announcers pretty much glaze over this, as Sydal rolls Tornado back in.

He dropkicks Tornado as he's trapped in the corner, then follows with his slingshot dropkick in the corner. Cover gets two. Sydal whips him into the corner, but charges into a back elbow. He recovers quickly, though, nailing Tornado with a spinning heel kick for two. Tornado fires back, but gets reversed into the corner. Sydal charges and connects with his clothesline where he slides between the ropes. He goes for the dreaded springboard something or another, but eats a dropkick for his troubles.

Tornado does his dancing low blow in the corner (announcers call it the "House Party," but I've never heard it referred to with that name before). Facelift dropkick by Tornado! He lifts Sydal for a back suplex, but he slips away and trips him. Standing moonsault by Sydal gets two. Tornado goes for a kick, but his foot is caught. Sydal spins him, but Tornado manages to connect with a Dragon Whip. Lizzy comes in and lands a low blow. Say it with me, kiddos…BALLS OF STEEL!

She pounds on him with little effect and damn skippy…Human Tornado is gonna have to choke a bitch! In the process, Lizzy's letter falls to the mat. Sydal jumps Tornado and plants him with the Here It Is Driver. Instead of going for the cover, he checks on Lizzy. He grabs the not, but she snatches from him. Tornado moves in. Sydal gives him a low blow. No dice. Pimp Slap by Tornado. He spikes Sydal with his backdrop suplex (he calls it the DND…Dat Nigga's Dead) and gets the win. Postmatch, we see some friction between Sydal and Lizzy.

Super match. Maybe the best of the brief WSX run, actually. I was never much into Tornado as anything but a character, but he's been really solid in the ring so far on these shows. Perhaps I was wrong about him. It happens…

-Team Dragon Gate segment. This week, they're strapped to chairs with their eyes taped open A Clockwork Orange style, forced to watch a television with some sort of scrolling image. The Yakuza guy (who I finally realized is Ryan Sakoda of WWE Kyo Dai fame) again tells them that the time is coming.


-Backstage, Sydal basically blames Lizzy for his loss. She yells at him and he storms off. We (and he, actually) see 6-Pac swoop in to get the rebound.

Los Pochos Guapo v. The Filth and the Fury -

LPG bring out a disco ball and hand it to a mamacita at ringside. In other news, Teddy Hart is rockin' the oven mitt pants. Tremendous! He and Aguilera start. Hart isn't having too much luck getting Aguilera to budge and ends up on the wrong end of a backbreaker. He does some flippity flopping and manages to take Aguilera over with an armbar takedown. He ducks a kick, but Aguilera feeds him a clothesline. He chokes Hart with his boot in the corner, but Teddy grapevines his leg and rolls into a nifty legbar. I've never seen a counter like that. Which is what makes Teddy so frustrating. Great talent. Just really flaky.

At any rate, Aguilera kicks him away and Teddy bumps over the top rope. Both guys tag. M-Dogg 20 snapmares Kaos, who is already frustrated. He comes back with a knee to the gut. M-Dogg reverses a corner whip and gets elevated onto the apron. Kaos charges, but M-Dogg cartwheels along the top rope. Kaos reverses him into the corner and follow him in with a clothesline. He tries to yank him back out, but M-Dogg Jackie Chans to his feet, playing cat and mouse and avoiding all of Kaos' charge attempts.

He trips Kaos, who ends up in a seated position. M-Dogg catches him with a springboard doublestomp to the top of the head. Cover gets two. He bounces off the ropes and Kaos elevates him into a Cutter. Kaos looks for a tag, but Aguilera is kickin' it to the mamacita at ringside. M-Dogg dropkicks Kaos over the top. He yanks Aguilera off the apron. They don't get a chance to argue, though, as M-Dogg kills Kaos with a Space Flying Tiger Drop. Aguilera manages to avoid it, though.

Hart heads up top and dives off with a crossbody onto Aguilera on the floor. He overshoots a bit, though, landing legs first on the railing. Goddamn did that ever look like it hurt. Aguilera suplexes him into part of the set. Hart slips away and shoves Aguilera into the set. He heads to the announce position and moonsault off onto Aguilera (and a few security guys). Had to be 15-20 feet. Crazy. In the ring, M-Dogg misses an SSP. Kaos grabs the disco ball from the chick. He tosses it to M-Dogg, then busts it into him with a kick. Cover and LPG pick up the win!

-Next week…loads of stuff


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