Wrestling Society X #6

I've said this before, but it requires repeating…FUCK MTV! Looks like the series finale won't be airing at this point. Further, the contracts of those in WSX are set up as to not expire…until 90 days after the finale airs. Not sure of the legal implications there, but it sure is quite the dick move against a bunch of indy guys who already struggle enough to make a living.

This time out, we get Scorpio Sky versus Jack Evans, DIFH v. That 70's Team and Ricky Banderas will call out WSX Champion Vampiro.


-Good Charlotte performs. They look like they'd rather be pretty much anywhere else in the world. Fitting their gimmick, Matt Sydal and Lizzy Valentine are seen rocking out at ringside.

-Elsewhere, Lacey is waiting for Vampiro to arrive. I'm waiting for Jimmy Jacobs to come out and croon to Lacey. He is the "mellow" member of DIFH, after all.

Scorpio Sky v. Jack Evans -

They do stuff, but it's interrupting Good Charlotte joining the commentary team, so we miss it. When we flash back to the ring, Evans is dropkicking Scorpio, flipping backwards over the top rope and onto the apron in the process. Evans then follows with a springboard leg lariat. Scorpio rolls out. Probably not the best tactic in this case, as Evans follows…with a springboard 450° to the floor! He rolls Sky in and goes for another springboard 450°, but there's no one home. He lands on his feet, though. When he turns, Scorpio turns him inside out with a big clothesline, picking up a nearfall.

He whips Jack into the corner, then yanks him out into a backbreaker. Cover gets two. Sky whips Evans into the corner once again. This time, Evans leaps off the ropes and comes back with a dropkick. Running knee strike gets two. He double stomps Sky's chest, then combos into a standing SSP for another nearfall. Evans whips him into the corner, but charges into a boot. Scorpio lines up for a clothesline, but Evans ducks it.

He runs up the ropes and goes for a moonsault press. Scorpio goes down, but manages to roll backwards into a Dragon Sleeper in the process. Neat. Evans reaches the ropes to force a break. Scorpio sits him up top, but Evans cuts him off and drops him facefirst to the mat. He hits the 450° splash and gets the win.

The finish was a bit abrupt (though I wasn't paying attention to how things were edited together), but this was perfectly fine Jack Evans spot-fu madness.

-Los Pochos Guapos segment. Aaron Aguilera says that he can forget about the mamacitas and cervezas for a bit, but that he wants Kaos to relax and *start* thinking about them for a bit. The camera cuts to the chicks…as Disco Machine hits on them. He quickly skedaddles. Kaos tells Aguilera that he's sick of getting his ass kicked and point out that The Filth and the Fury are undefeated. Aguilera challenges them to a match next week and if they don't win, Kaos can go his own way.


-Backstage, That 70's Team gets ready for their match. Disco compares DIFH to the Ford Administration and pet rocks. They plan on stealing DIFH's girls and smearing their eyeliner. That'd be DIFH's eyeliner, not the girls'. I guess…

-Elsewhere, Jimmy Jacobs applies eyeliner, then takes a bite from his Quiznos sub. Ah…the joy of product placement.

That 70's Team v. DIFH -

TST attack Tyler Black before the bell, tossing him out of the ring. Jacobs doesn't notice, though, as he's collecting the phone number of a really cute chick in the crowd. He turns around and gets jumped as well. That 70's Team plants him with a double gourdbuster. They go for a double clothesline, but he ducks it and Black wipes them both out with a springboard clothesline of his own. He clears the ring with a series of back elbows. Jacobs wants a hug. Tyler lifts him up and tosses him at Joey Ryan in the corner, with Jacobs connecting with a dropkick. He then tosses him into a spear on Disco Machine in the opposite corner.

We get a camera cut (and a clip, I'd assume) and Jacobs takes Ryan off of Tyler's shoulders with a Doomsday 'Rana! Tyler presses Jacobs and tosses him over the top rope onto Disco at ringside. Tyler goes for a springboard something or another, but Ryan shoves the ref into the ropes and Tyler crashes and burns. Ryan sits him up top. Tyler fights back and goes for a sunset bomb, but Ryan hangs onto the ropes. Tyler yanks his tights down, but no dice. He comes off the ropes for whatever, but Tyler catches him.

Meanwhile, Jacobs is up top, hitting on a chick in the crowd. Ryan slips away from Tyler and shoves him into Jacobs, crotching him. Ryan charges Tyler, diving through the ropes and spearing him right off the apron. Cool spot. Back in the ring, Disco Machine powerslams Jacobs off the top rope and makes the cover. This one is officially over. BOO! DIFH should win every match ever.

-Trippy video with Team Dragon Gate. The nameless Yakuza dude tells them that, "the time is near." He also drinks their water and leaves them to parch.


-Promo with DIFH. Tyler Black is here and he's really mad. Tyler Black is here and he's REALLY ANGRY! This is *brilliant*, as the music switches depending on who is talking. Nice and mellow for Jacobs. Not so much for Black. Jacobs picks up his acoustic guitar and asks him to share his feelings. Black is ANGRY because not only did they lose, but they lost to hippies! Oh, the humanity! Black grabs his electric guitar and storms off.

I LOVE THIS TEAM/GIMMICK!!! <--- Multiple punctuation shows just how serious I am!

-Fabian Kaelin is ready to announce the next match. Ricky Banderas comes in and tosses him to the floor. He calls out Vampiro. Cut to a startlingly hot girl at ringside. MTV has priorities, after all. Vampiro is out. Vampiro is also drooling blood. The announcers fail to acknowledge this. The announcers fail. Period. 6-Pac jumps Vampiro. He and Banderas beat Vamp down. Youth Suicide runs out, but Banderas quickly takes care of him and they brawl to the back. Vamp mounts a comeback and they brawl at ringside (including Pac tossing a garbage can at Vampiro, which somehow hits a fan). They too head to the back.

The camera cuts to the top of the set, where Banderas is holding Youth Suicide. He flings him off (probably a good 30 foot drop) and Youth Suicide crashes into a box, which BLOWS THE FUCK UP! Cut back to Banderas, who's also drooling blood. Some of these wrestler types have issues.

-Next week? Even more stuff…


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