Friday Night SmackDown! 3/16/2007: For and Against

FOR: Batista's suit.

FOR: Miz as Grand Shit Disturber.

FOR: Batista: "I'm just not sure if I like you."


AGAINST: JBL's Rant Of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.

AGAINST: We missed the Fan Axxess tour. :(

FOR: Kennedy's outside-in suplex.

AGAINST: This Cole-JBL argument. They're not really disagreeing.

FOR: JBL: "Well aren't you Nostra-damn-damus."
AGAINST: Bad form on the Kenton Bomb.

FOR: The ending sequence with Matt grabbing the ropes, dropping out of the steamroller and hitting the Twist of Fate to win.

AGAINST: Honduras has its own champion?

AGAINST: "El Grande Latte?" Didn't either JBL or Angle or both do this?

AGAINST: This man does not weigh 254 pounds.

FOR: JBL: "I wrestled this guy's dad!"

AGAINST: How is the Overdrive a finisher?

FOR: MVP dropping the history.

AGAINST: MVP kicks Benoit Cole: "A right hand to Chris Benoit."

FOR: I actually want to know what JBL's planning for Shawn on RAW (since I don't expect him to wrestle)

WTF: My CW affiliate just ran a PSA about their broadcast license renewal coming up this summer. Are they desperate? Are they on the ropes?

FOR: By extension of Melina/Ashley, MNM should win the Raw tag titles and challenge London and Kendrick to a Champions vs. Champions match, am I right?

FOR: This matchup minus the girls is usually good.

FOR: JBL: "Would I be a jerk if I slapped the crap out of my jackass partner?"

AGAINST: Melina's boots.

FOR: Ashley cutting off Melina's squeal of victory. Good looking out, Massaro.

FOR: Is Kendrick using the chickenwing to hold Ash back?

FOR: The Ernie Ladd tribute.

AGAINST: Is the live crowd seeing the Maryse bumpers?



AGAINST: That was the whole segment?

FOR: Cole recalling that Daivari brought Khali to America.

WTF?: Indeed.

AGAINST: Taker cutting off Booker's entrance like that. What's that about?

AGAINST: Batista's not inspiring me on commentary.

AGAINST: JBL saying Batista's better than Bundy and Giant Gonzales is the epitome of damning with faint praise, isn't it?

AGAINST: Finlay? The hell?

AGAINST: Why's Batista just sitting there?

FOR: Oh.


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