Friday Night SmackDown! 3/2/2007: For and Against

AGAINST: A turtleneck, Dave?

FOR: The old-school Undertaker video treatment.

FOR: JBL pushing Cole's lips onto Booker's hand.

AGAINST: I can't understand a word Booker's said.

FOR: I'm a little surprised Christian got mentioned there.

FOR: Twist of Fate off the top turnbuckle. OUCH. Sick.

AGAINST: I've figured it out. Maryse spends way too much time in the tanning booth.

AGAINST: They're really clipping these entrances.

AGAINST: Yep, Helms has new music. And it blows.

FOR: Remember when these guys were teammates? (And where is Kaz Hayashi these days?)

AGAINST: Scotty shaved his goatee?

FOR: Way to skin the cat, Yang.

FOR: The finish.

FOR: The fans booing Vince's call for silence.

FOR: The Lashley-Umaga video packages, particularly Lashley jumping through the cage wall on ECW and dropping it on Umaga.

FOR: 'Sup, Bobby.

AGAINST: Vince is gonna regret that.

FOR: It's No Holds Barred, but only for Kennedy? That's diabolical.

AGAINST: Ashley gets pyro now?

FOR: Oh, it's the Playboy cover again.

AGAINST: Jillian wearing the microphone to the ring.

FOR: JBL: "And you wonder why I fired her."

AGAINST: Jillian trying to continue the song.

AGAINST: It's called "Starstruck", Cole.

AGAINST: The hell?

AGAINST: "Hornswaggle?"

FOR: JBL: "He's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hornswaggle."

AGAINST: It's "Ballin'", Cole, not "Ball-In." Jeez.

FOR: Benoit's German to Finlay on the floor.

FOR: Kennedy already going to untie the turnbuckles.

FOR: Also, when did they cave and give Lashley Brock's old entrance?

FOR: It's a great thing to point out that Lashley can't use the turnbuckles that Kennedy already exposed.

FOR: Is that the tag rope?

FOR: Lashley's hops.

AGAINST: Kind of an underwhelming finish.


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