Wrestling Society X #8

Almost to the end of these things and I'll be damned...I've managed to finish all of these things and finish them ON TIME! What were the odds of that happening? Also, this is post #251, so that's a milestone of sorts. Or one after said milestone, at any rate. So like what...220 of them are by Matt and I? We have writers...they're just really friggin' lazy. Or, uhh...have lives or something. Whatever. Go us!

-This time, only the Banderas/Vampiro title match is important enough to hype. Either that, or it goes the full show. And I'm guessing that ain't the case.

-Opening montage.

-Pitbull performs.

-After last week's show (why do I still refer to these things as if they didn't all air in one night, anyway?), The Cartel jumped Los Pochos Guapos in the parking lot. This leads to LPG coming out and challenging The Cartel. We have ourselves a brawl, folks! We also have ourselves a referee, who decides that bells need to be rung to make this official!

Los Pochos Guapos v. The Cartel (w/El Jefe & Mongol) -

Aguilera plants Cholo with a tilt-a-whirl slam. He hoists Kaos up in wheelbarrow position and drops him onto Cholo. Cover gets two. Kaos slams him and follows with an Arabia Press. He covers, but Mongol punches him from ringside to break up the cover. Delikado comes in on a blind tag. He double legs Kaos and catapults him into a neckbreaker by Cholo across his knees. Nice. The world needs more tag teams that actually use tandem offense. Delikado whips Kaos into the corner and follows him in with a back elbow.

He snapmares Kaos and connects with a doublestomp for two. Delikado draws Aguilera in, distracting the ref. That allows the other Cartel members to choke Kaos in the ropes. Double whip into the ropes. Kaos stops short and fires back on both guys. Delikado blocks a clothesline. He shoves Kaos into Cholo, who drops him with a Cutter. Cover gets two. He goes for a whip, but Kaos reverses. Cholo springboards off the ropes with a back elbow, picking up another nearfall. He goes for a second, but this time Kaos runs up the ropes with him, planting him with a Russian Legsweep!

He tags Aguilera, who takes Cholo out with a springboard clothesline. Delikado runs in and whips him into the corner. Aguilera comes off the second rope with a back elbow. He gives Delikado a sidewalk slam of sorts and gets two. Tag to Kaos, who is still totally out of it and can barely stand. He lifts Cholo onto his shoulders. He reaches to tag Aguilera (who has climbed to the top), but Mongol shoves him to the floor. Reverse 'rana by Cholo! Delikado annihilates Kaos with a double hammerlock piledriver to pick up the win. Well, that looked fatal.

-Apparently, Alkatrazz and Luke Hawx were scheduled for the opener versus That 70's Team before the shenanigans broke out. As such, Al and Luke are rather pissed off. So when they run into Vic Grimes and Arik Cannon backstage, brawling commences!


-Lacey interviews Jack Evans. He shows her a new dance move. Human Tornado walks into frame. He's not impressed and he says so. Oh snap…this is leading to a DANCE OFF! Awesome! Or not, as MTV instantly dashes my hopes by announcing that this is on WSXtra.

-Clips of the Vampiro/Banderas feud up to date.

Ricky Banderas v. Vampiro - WSX Title -

There are not one, but *two* caskets at ringside. Doesn't become overkill until you get to three, I guess. One of them is wrapped in barbed wire. The announcers surmise that the other will go BOOM! if you touch it.

Banderas charges immediately, but Vampiro tosses him into the corner with an overhead belly to belly suplex. They trade strikes and Banderas comes back with…I guess it was supposed to be a facebuster of some sort. At any rate, Vamp bails. Banderas goes for a pescado, but Vamp pulls the railing into his path and he crashes into it. Vamp goes for a whip, but Banderas reverses him into some steel siding that makes up the set. He bashes his head into it repeatedly before rolling him back in. He stomps Vamp down for a bit and heads up top. He leaps into a goozle and Vamp chokeslams him. Cover gets two.


-Team Dragon Gate video. They re-debut on WSXtra this week, taking on DIFH. I really want to see that.

-Back to the match. During the break, Banderas took control and hit a facewash kick in the ropes. Vamp is sitting on the top rope with Banderas on the apron. T-Bone suplex to the floor! I certainly understand why, but that didn't come off nearly as impressive as it sounds. They head to the stage and Vampiro tries to ram him into a table covers in lighttubes. Banderas will have none of that, blocking it and powerbombing Vampiro through the table instead. Vamp's back is a mess.

Banderas hoists him up and drives both of them through the stage with a Uranage. They head back to the ring. Double goozle! Not the Midnight Express move, either. Vamp breaks with a headbutt. They fight onto the apron, above the barbed wire coffin. Neither man can get an advantage at first, but Banderas headbutts Vamp and chokeslams him through the casket, which BLOWS THE HELL UP! "Surprise, bitch!" sez Banderas. Well...it was me that said that as Banderas' proxy, actually. He covers Vamp and we have ourselves a new WSX Campeon! Huzzah!

-Next week…ungodly amounts of stuff.


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