Friday Night SmackDown! 3/9/2007: For and Against

FOR: JBL: "I'm surrounded by queens."

AGAINST: Little early for the Twist of Fate, isn't it?

FOR: Matt's suplex block/counter. With a twist.

AGAINST: I'm not sure he meant to do that.

FOR: Sharmell using her shoe as a weapon.

AGAINST: Bad setup for the Scissors Kick.

FOR: This video package of Undertaker just killing fools.

AGAINST: MVP's somewhat backwards logic.

FOR: Vince dancing.

AGAINST: Kane's sweating like a hog.

FOR: Kane doing matwork?

FOR: I wonder if JBL's "whistling by the graveyard" line was intentional. On some level it probably was.

FOR: JBL saying that Kane is a good test for Batista at this point.

AGAINST: I doubt Taker's taking notes.

FOR: The closeup on Batista's counter of Kane's flying clothesline.

FOR: Batista selling the back after the Batista Bomb.

AGAINST: Why is Miz sitting on the canvas when there are two chairs in the ring?

FOR: Is that the old Jeritron 3000?

FOR: Melina!

AGAINST: That back-and-forth probably could've (and maybe should've) gone another minute or so.

AGAINST: Horrible timing, Kristal.

AGAINST: Is that an Earth language?

AGAINST: "...Bank."

FOR: Who? Oh, it's Punk.

AGAINST: This match isn't very crisp. It's the unfamiliarity factor.

FOR: Finlay's promo.

FOR: The ref cutting off Hornswaggle. It's almost as if he was saving him by saying "Don't do it."

FOR: The utter disregard UT held Hornswaggle in. He just kicked him away with his foot. Didn't even bother dirtying his hands with the little guy.

FOR: This match, somewhat surprisingly.


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