Video Vault #21 - More fun than a barrel of monkeys!

The flurry of Heart Punch activity continues, as I bust out a Video Vault post, just so I can say that we had new content every day for a week. Because that's certainly worthy of merit, right? RIGHT?

Chris Hero & Team F.I.S.T. (Icarus & Akuma) v. Mike Quackenbush & ShaneSaw (Shane Storm & Jigsaw) (CHIKARA - Return of the Son of the International Invasion of the International Invaders: 1st Stage - 8.19.06)

Spreadin' the CHIKARA love! Seriously...if you can watch CHIKARA and not *love* CHIKARA, you might be dead inside. I'm about to dive into the King of Trios shows tonight, so huzzah to me. And, uh...this match is heaping helpings of awesome. Just watch it.

Necro Butcher v. Roderick Strong (IWA:MS - Hurt - 3.24.06)

Not as fun as most of the Necro "dream matches" that have happened over the past year. Which is odd, as you'd think Roddy would be the perfect guy to beat the shit out of Necro (because really…that's what most of these matches amount to). The final spot is fairly cringe worthy, though, so I guess there's that.

"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson v. Mike Quackenbush (IWA:MS - Ted Petty Invitational 2004 - 9.18.04)

Haven't seen this one in ages, but I remember it being a really fun, mat based match with two guys who can work circles around pretty much everyone. Quack should be the poster boy for pro wrestling. Just so good at what he does, but really humble about it. One of the nicest guys you'd ever want to meet. And it stands out even more so because of the business he's in...

Low Ki v. Davey Richards (IWA:MS - Ted Petty Invitational 2006 - 9.30.06)

These two seem inclined to murder one another. Enjoy it while it lasts. Seriously, these two trade some strikes that make you just cringe. And the goofy part is that they seem to enjoy it. Pro wrestlers are some strange creatures.

Samoa Joe v. AJ Styles v. Christopher Daniels v. Charlie Haas (1PW - No Turning Back, Night One - 1.6.06)

I've never seen this one, but adding Charlie Haas to a mix of guys that, while rather stale when paired together, never fail to produce a great match can't be a bad thing at all.

The Great Muta & Tajiri v. Gold Dustin & Hakushi (AJPW - 2.17.07)

Well, *this* is entirely random. And who knew Dustin Rhodes was in All Japan? Probably people who actually follow puroresu, that's who. If Muta/Tajiri isn't the coolest tag team in the world, I'm not sure who stacks up.

Unless something CRAZAY happens, this is probably it from me this week. So look forward to your weekly F&A fix, as I'm sure Matt will bring the insight. With no WSX (although now, apparently, MTV2 *might* air the finale, if not totally unannounced), I'm trying to scramble for a topic to write about. ECW doesn't interest me much and Impact is abysmal. Oh, how I miss Jackked and Heat showing up on my television to bring the quality wrestling I so enjoy.


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