Guess who's back...

That would be me! For those few people who read the blog but don't post on the board (If such people even exist. And if you do, howdy!), you might have been losing some sleep over the fact that I disappeared for a while. My PC was fucked up but good and I wasn't online much at all. I ended up buying a new, shiny PC that's all pretty and awesome and stuff. I've been trying to rebuild everything I needed from the old computer (because my ability to play, say...Shaq-Fu on a whim is vitally important!), so I remained in blogger stealth mode and didn't post anything. At any rate, you'll see some new stuff coming soon. I think I'll see how many brain cells recapping twice as much TNA Impact a week can kill and how quickly it makes me hate pro wrestling. Heh.

I'm hoping to write other stuff as well, though my ambition tends to fall on it's ass rather quickly, so we'll see how that goes. For the no one that cares, more video vault posts on the way as well. And since this PC will actually load youtube/dailymotion videos in under a month, I'll actually be watching some of the stuff I post as well. Fun for the whole family!

Expect to see a recap of the ROH: Driven PPV up at some point as well. I don't know how it happened, since my ambivalence about ROH is legendary (in my own mind), but going through the 2007 shows has turned me into a big fan and both PPVs so far have been off the chain, as Tazz might say.

I'll leave you with the balls out awesome Project 161/Age of the Fall angle from ROH. The entire angle started out cool, but Gabe was trying his best to throw it into the shitter. Then...this. Jimmy Jacobs is great and Necro, of course, is beyond great. As much as I geeked out for the Briscoes/Steen & Generico confrontation at the first PPV, this was a hundred times better. EPIC.

"I told you...if you let me outta my cage, I was gonna pile bodies to the sky!"


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