Friday Night SmackDown 10/5/2007: For and Against

FOR: Leading off with the Cena announcement.

FOR: I hope that thing's made out of wood.

AGAINST: This has never been a good idea.

FOR: Oooh, chain wrestling.

FOR: JBL with the Mets joke.

FOR: This match, especially the last 30 seconds.

AGAINST: Push-ups?

FOR: Technically, Matt's already ahead.

AGAINST: A what fan base?

FOR: The camera view from Matt's corner during the Boston Crab sequence.

AGAINST: Sure looks like Matt saw the low blow.

AGAINST: What, Kane couldn't wait a couple minutes?

FOR: Victoria's jumpsuit.

AGAINST: Why is Kane doing sitout dropkicks? Or attempting them, even?

FOR: Who's that?

FOR: MVP's big mouth tripping him up.

AGAINST: Is that a title match for Sunday?

AGAINST: Is Kennedy the new Nash?

FOR: There's that virus thingy. "SAVIOR_SELF"? "bookshelves"? Totally Jericho, right?

FOR: Jesse and Festus! Finally!

FOR: Jesse's running counter into the monkey flip.

FOR: JBL, to Cole, on Festus: "He looks like you at the end of most nights."

FOR: Jobbers don't usually get this much offense. Must be setting up the hot tag.

FOR: See?

AGAINST: Saw IV? Really?

FOR: Rey's strategy.


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