Friday Night SmackDown! 3/10/2006: For and Against

AGAINST: "Heavily doubted?" That means Undertaker's showing up.

FOR: Angle's new shirt. "From This Angle You Suck"

AGAINST: You mean Finlay and Lashley aren't getting a Mania match? Cause I can't even think of three SmackDown! guys to put in Money in the Bank.

AGAINST: Yeah, I didn't think the match had actually started.


AGAINST: I hope that's not anybody important's car.

NEUTRAL: THE MIZ is coming.

FOR: "Cause (JBL) writes his checks with his right hand."

AGAINST: OK, I'm missing it. What did Austin say about JBL?

FOR: Oh, he's gonna tell us. Thanks for that.

AGAINST: A beer-drinking contest? At Main Event?

AGAINST: I seriously doubt JBL drinks Hennessy.

FOR: About time you got around to Benoit.

AGAINST: That "pine box" catchphrase. It's too damn long and doesn't make any sense.

FOR: Regal trying to cut down Burchill.

FOR: I do like the entrance.

FOR: Tazz: "That's NOT funny."

FOR: Enziguiri to the back of the head.

FOR: What WAS that? A rolling uranage? Can we see that again?

FOR: Gracias. (A look at a cleaner one, courtesy of Ska.)

AGAINST: He's gotta not land on his own head when he does that, though.

AGAINST: That's not an official U.S. Postal Service mailbag, isn't it? Cause I'm sure it's a federal crime to appropriate one of those without permission.

FOR: The PETA letter.

FOR: "It's a horrible nutritional choice."

FOR: OK, that was a neat trick with the mailbag.

AGAINST: The oh-too-obvious "pearl necklace" joke.

AGAINST: I can't remember whose music they took and gave to Kristal. It's really bugging me for some reason. (Michelle McCool's, maybe?)

AGAINST: Jillian really should've re-thought that skirt if she's gonna keep fixing it like Rey and his mask at WM21.

FOR: Oh, it's a gimmick. Never mind then.

FOR: The cut to the guy with his camera phone.

AGAINST: Helms really should've worn a face shield.

FOR: All the sharpshooter spots. Seems odd, but there was some consistency.

FOR: Jamie Noble!

FOR: The "cruiserweights band together to put Helms in his place" angle continues.

AGAINST: Brawl For All as a "Big Time" Moment?

AGAINST: Apparently we're not getting any Melina sightings tonight.

FOR: Henry pulling Orton out of the ropes.

FOR: Orton's midair dropkick on Rey.

FOR: Rey's enziguiri to Henry to buy time.

AGAINST: Shouldn't Rey hook a leg or something?


FOR: This would be a good time for the lights to go out.

FOR: That was actually... OK, check this out. Literally as I was about to type how it was an odd surprise that the lights didn't go out before the table spot, the lights go out AFTER the table spot.

AGAINST: That said... little late, aren't you, Taker?

FOR: I think Henry accepted.


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