Friday Night SmackDown! 3/3/2006: For and Against

FOR: The Spanish Announce Team~~~ It's truly a big night.

Sharmell ignoring Cole.

AGAINST: The inevitable "Why is Cole so concerned with Booker's groin" bit.

FOR: Tazz: "Nobody likes you!" Cole: Why?"

AGAINST: What's that foaming out of his mouth? I'm eating, for fuck's sake.

FOR: Tale of the Tape~~~~~~~~~~

AGAINST: Angle's only 5-11?

FOR: Hey, there's the "undefeated at Wrestlemania" stat.

FOR: Trying to foster the "Fight night" big-time feel for this show.

AGAINST: Orton's new music.

FOR: Crazy's tornado Hot Shot.

FOR: The springboard sit-out dropkick.

FOR: Crazy's extension and height on that running high kick. There's a reason I'm a mark for this guy.

FOR: The Chris Benoit video package.

FOR: This time we get the graphic footage warning.

AGAINST: And it wasn't even all that graphic. Jeez.

FOR: Benoit/JBL at Mania.

FOR: Melina in velvet. She makes it socially acceptable.

FOR: Cole recounting Matt's and Animal's histories with MNM.

AGAINST: STOP THAT. It's becoming Stephanie-esque.

FOR: Cole: "She cheated." Tazz: "So what. Let's see the kick."

AGAINST: I love you, Melina, but you've got a death wish pulling stunts like that.

AGAINST: Damn your filthy hide, Animal.

AGAINST: The Doomsday Device breakup.

AGAINST: And the point of that was...

How do you spell that?

FOR: Lashley already knows how to work the crowd.

AGAINST: Finlay's snapped! What's with all the chairs?

FOR: Finlay's tope.


AGAINST: Wait, so does Regal think that Burchill thinks he's actually a pirate?

FOR: Cole asking if Angle's worried that Undertaker was able to match him in the wrestling department.

FOR: UT rolling Angle over onto his stomach before the apron leg drop.

FOR: The commentary.

FOR: Taker flying over the ring steps.

FOR: Angle dodging the snake eyes follow-up boot.

FOR: The chokeslam counter into the anklelock setup.

FOR: The Tombstone reversals into the Angle Slam.

FOR: This match.

FOR: Revisiting the triangle choke spot with UT rolling out of the counter this time.

FOR: Angle catching the ankle lock off of the leg drop attempt.

FOR: This match.


AGAINST: Mark Henry?

FOR: So that's why they had the Spanish announcers out at ringside tonight.

FOR: The edit of that.

FOR: Cole doing his Joey Styles impression.

AGAINST: The angles on the replay.

FOR: The Spanish announce table surviving the night. A lot of bets were lost on that, I'm sure.


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