Video Vault 17 - SUPER SIZE ME!

He has 'til *5*, referee!
My week off starts today! Fan-friggin'-tastic! If not going to work doesn't put you in a good mood, nothing will. Except for maybe the fine selection of wrestling goodness that I present in this very special SUPER-SIZED post that celebrates my vacation! Be there.
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson v. KENTA (Pro Wrestling NOAH - 12.2.06)
Haven't watched this myself as of yet. Since I got my newer PC repaired, these video sites actually work, though. They take longer than hell to load, but they do work. I'm hoping to check this match out later. At any rate, this is supposed to be really good, but not to the level of their match in ROH. The crowd is supposed to hurt it a bunch, as they're apparently dead throughout.
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson v. KENTA (ROH - Glory By Honor V, Night Two - 9.16.06)
And...this would be the companion ROH match. ****3/4 sez Meltzer and worth every snowflake in this man's opinion. Danielson is an absolute artist and while I don't ride KENTA's jock as hard as most, he's definitely a fun guy to watch and he's quite capable of busting out great matches with the right opponent.
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, Bison Smith & Eddie Edwards v. KENTA, Ricky Marvin & Akitoshi Saito (NOAH - 11.17.06)
This is Danielson's NOAH debut. Fun match, even if it won't blow your mind or anything. Ricky Marvin is waaaay better than I remember him. Of course, I don't know that I've seen him work in like 2-3 years, so whatever.
Mike Quackenbush v. Colt Cabana (IWA:MS - Ted Petty Invitational 2006, Night One - 9.29.06)
Part One
Part Two
Quack should get so much more love than he does. Just a brilliant wrestler that fuses together the American, Lucha, European and Japanese styles so seamlessly. Cabana, of course, is quite the European matwork ace himself, so this is just buckets of fun.
Mike Quackenbush v. Claudio Castagnoli (IWA:MS - TPI 2006, Night Two - 9.30.06)
Part One
Part Two
I think I've posted pretty much every singles match these two have ever had. And for good reason. This is, stylistically speaking, the absolute best mix of Lucha/European wrestling you're likely to ever see. Quack is Claudio's best opponent, as Quack will work around him with the Lucha-y stuff while Claudio reels him back in to the more basic matwork. Both guys are capable of working both styles, so there's a really neat dynamic because they're so equally matched. Dig this.
Necro Butcher v. Yoshiaki Yago (CHIKARA: Tag World Grand Prix 2006, Night Three - 2.26.06)
Um...this is stiff. Really, really stiff. Nothing else I say will do it justice. I *heart* Necro's brawls.
Samoa Joe v. Roderick Strong (IWA:MS Ted Petty Invitational 2004 - 9.17.04)
Part One
Part Two
Joe and Roddy beat the shit out of one another. What else do you need? This was the best night match of the first night of the '04 TPI. Most people would tell you it was Punk/Aries. Those people are wrong.
Samoa Joe v. Kurt Angle (TNA: Genesis - 11.19.06)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Haven't watched this, because I want the benefit of putting a bit of distance between it and Angle's TNA arrival, which I think has been completely blown from the start. The fact that I don't care a whit about his debut is pretty telling, as I'd consider him a favorite of mine. Plus, I don't want the hype to get in the way, as I don't think either of their matches (so far) can live up to it. But yeah...the rest of you can enjoy it...
Super Dragon v. Homicide (PWG: Card Subject to Change - 1.22.05)
Didn't like this as much as the match with Joe in the last VV, but I figured I'd post it because PWG stuff isn't as easy to find.
JAPW Worldwide - Episode 1
The new season of JAPW's online show is here. Really, I wouldn't typically post it because JAPW is less relevant than even CZW at this point, but it promises clips from the Necro Butcher v. Low Ki match they ran recently and that's something everyone should want to watch.