Video Vault 18 - Another One? Already? CRIKEY!

Yeah, with no ECW to recap today, I'm bored. I'm planning to work on another recap later, but I wanted to put up a quick VV for two reasons...both the Misawa/Marufuji GHC title switch and Angle/Joe II from this past weekend have officially hit the net and that's notable enough to warrant an immediate post, methinks. Found some other stuff of interest as well. I'll try not to post every match ever wrestled this time around!

Mitsuharu Misawa v. Naomichi Marufuji - GHC Title Match (NOAH - 12.10.06)

This is loading as I type this, so it'll be a while before I get to sit down and watch it. Meh. The reviews I've read have said it's good, though. Not great...but good. One has to wonder why Misawa is taking the title back, though I'm so out of the loop on the puro that perhaps he's just bridging the gap between Marufuji and their next big choice as champion. Beating Misawa theoretically means more than beating Marufuji at this point, so that makes some sense. Remains to be seen. At any rate, Misawa looks grumpy as hell when he comes out, so I'm hoping for a surly old man beatdown. (41:31)

Kurt Angle v. Samoa Joe II (TNA: Turning Point 2006 - 12.10.06)

This is also just starting to hit the net. It's alternately getting MOTY buzz and a bunch of people are saying it's not all that great. Watch it and decide for yourself, I guess. (25:26)

Extreme Elimination Chamber (ECW: December to Dismember - 12.3.06)

At this point, any match with the combination of Big Show, Lashley and Test is a match I have no desire to see. At all. And Punk/RVD apparently both go out early, making things even worse. But might want to see it. (37:24)

Necro Butcher v. Homicide (ROH: Ring of Homicide - 5.13.06)

Violence! FUCKING VIOLENCE! Another fun Necro brawl. Has a big chair riot near the end that's worth seeing even if I hate that shtick. Really hot crowd, though I'm not sure that will come through if you're watching it on your PC. Anyway...Necro Butcher: Wrestler of the Year 2006. Yeah, I said it. And I absolutely believe it, too. (13:23)


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