Friday Night SmackDown! 1/19/2007: For and Against

FOR: Kennedy's promo.

FOR: Long addressing the controversy with Undertaker.

AGAINST: JBL's outrage. Kennedy doesn't lose his shot if he loses tonight.

AGAINST: Of all the things to boo, they boo Mercury choking Matt out with the tag rope?

AGAINST: Nitro's run-in was almost too early.

FOR: Melina's hair.

FOR: Snapshot on the floor!

AGAINST: Miz trying to make himself look good.

FOR: Miz doesn't even turn around. He knows what's up.

FOR: The Chavo-Benoit video package.

FOR: This is a hell of a personality clash right here: Regal, Taylor and MVP?

FOR: MVP selling the back burns.

FOR: JBL: "It was at Delmonico's. You ever been there?" Cole: "Yeah." JBL: "No, you haven't."

AGAINST: I don't think there's a Delmonico's in New York.

FOR: Yeah, I was extraordinarily wrong.

AGAINST: Way too much Vito in this match; not enough London and Kendrick (or shots of Ashley)

FOR: Regal and MVP working together on the end. And who knew MVP had a finisher?

AGAINST: Why was Benoit trying to put the Crossface on outside the ring? And then try to keep Chavo in it while standing up? What was that?

FOR: Benoit taking that exposed turnbuckle to the chest like a man.

FOR: Chavo beating down Benoit's shoulder.

FOR/AGAINST: Was JBL foreshadowing there with the "if Chavo applies the Crossface" comment?

FOR: You could see after the second of the Three Amigos on the title belt that Chavo was going to land the third one on the chair.

FOR: Benoit taking a page from Chavo's book.

AGAINST: They really need to get that belt out of the ring.

FOR: Benoit wins! No Vickie run-in!

AGAINST: Then what the hell did Vickie want to talk to Kristal 'privately' about?

FOR: Is that Jillian?

AGAINST: I've been meaning to ask this for weeks; why'd McDonald's dig up Ben Seaver from Growing Pains to do one line - and a lame line at that - in their "Dollar Menunaires" ad?

FOR: "The Other Side Of The Tracks." Heh.

FOR: Was this their OVW gimmick? If so, nice work.

FOR: JBL: "Flatbush has a condominium in it right now. There are no more Lords of Flatbush."

AGAINST: ANOTHER heel tag team?

AGAINST: Cole and JBL during the Maryse bumper/Kane's entrance sequence, up until...

FOR: Cole goes meta on us: "Can you maybe acknowledge once my overuse of cliches in this entrance?"

FOR: Miz is all :(

FOR: JBL: "Would you lie to Ashley?" Cole: "Yeah, probably."


FOR: The byplay between Batista and JBL. "I don't need your help."

AGAINST: "Technical difficulties." I'm dead serious.

FOR: There we go.

FOR: Cole agreeing with the point I made at the top of the show.

FOR: Kennedy punking Batista to draw him in and get the DQ victory to keep Undertaker out of the title match. Remember when Batista called him "crafty" earlier?


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