Friday Night SmackDown! 1/5/2007: For and Against

FOR: Oh, the Sprint's over two weeks?

FOR: Batista's all for it.

AGAINST: You might want to get out of the ring, Dave.

FOR: Chavo's not nearly as cocky in his entrance as he usually is. Kane has that effect on people.

AGAINST: This isn't really new, as Cole and JBL are pushing it as -- they've done this on Raw to determine the entry order for the Elimination Chamber the last couple years.

FOR: The clock.

FOR: Chavo's suplex counter into the DDT.


AGAINST: Maryse? That's random.

FOR: I honestly wasn't expecting this.

FOR: LOL at JBL advocating cheating from the get-go instead of waiting.

FOR: London's frustration after Kendrick scoots back into the ring ahead of him.

AGAINST: So wait, the match just ends?

FOR: Ashley.

FOR: I'm a little surprised they're showing the actual "set on fire" footage.

FOR: JBL: "And yet, you people cheer." Crowd: cheers


AGAINST: MVP's promo. Where's the anger?

AGAINST: Booker's royal pose, with the skipping and the twirling of the robe and the outstretched pinky. Just looks stupid.

FOR: Booker-Helms? This should be interesting.

FOR: JBL getting frustrated with Booker's leisurely pace.


FOR: The Batista video package.

FOR: JBL on Jillian: "She was jealous of me, you're right."

FOR: Jillian's knee to Ashley's face. She said she was going to mess her face up, and she's actually trying to do it. It's good to have goals.

FOR: The effort on Ashley's hurracanrana counter.

AGAINST: The execution.

FOR: Evil Jillian RULES.

FOR: JBL: Didn't this happen about 300 years ago?" Cole: "What?" JBL: "Cowboys versus Indians."

FOR: Cole: "You never got your leg above your waistline. Ever."

FOR: Kennedy's front suplex.

FOR: I like how they've had everyone look at the clock.

FOR: Nice block of the Kenton Bomb.

AGAINST: Kennedy wins off the exposed turnbuckle shot? Weak.


AGAINST: We had five matches tonight, right? That makes 18 guys, not 16.



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