Video Vault 19 - Now with 33% more nougat!

This? Not ECW.


I'm now four weeks behind and, quite honestly, I can't see myself catching up because the show is just brutal to watch. And I haven't been, actually, as the last two episodes sit on a tape, unwatched and mocking me. This is like WCW Thunder 2000 bad, without all the unintentional comedy. Punk is the only reason to watch at this point and Lashley is making me yearn for the days of the Big Show. It might be time to move on to something else. TNA? WSX ('ll only be 30 minutes long! Less when you count the band!)? Indy stuff? Old WCW TV? It remains to be seen. If anyone truly cares about the ECW recap and just couldn't stand to live without it...let me know. I need someone to point at and laugh.

Anyway, let me post some nifty wrestling and we'll go from there.

Paul London & Brian Kendrick v. William Regal & Dave Taylor v. MNM v. Hardy Boyz - Ladder Match (WWE Armageddon 2006 - 12.17.06)

Watch a super fun spotfest! Watch Joey Mercury break his face! Watch William Regal and Dave Taylor in...a ladder match? That might be the most shocking part of this entire scenario.

Samoa Joe v. Scott Steiner II (UWF/TNA: Steiner vs. Joe II - 8.11.06)

This was my favorite feud from 2006 and, really, the one feud this year that TNA hasn't totally FUBAR'ed the booking for. They gave it time to develop and there always seemed to be legit hatred there. Or perhaps Steiner is just crazy. Whatever. It worked. This isn't as goof as the PPV match, but still pretty fun.

Chris Hero v. Matt Sydal (ROH: Motor City Madness - 10.7.06)

Haven't watched this, as I'll almost always wait until I have the DVD myself as to not watch something awesome in potentially shitty quality. Anyway, Hero is sooooo great and Matt Sydal is slowly becoming more than just a random flippy guy. Should be fun.

Chris Hero v. Samoa Joe (IWA-MS: Morris Mayhem 2 - 10.13.05)

More Hero. More Joe. More kicking of the ass. This isn't quite to the level of their first IWA match, but these two would be pretty much incapable of having a bad match with one another, so you'll certainly get your money's worth from this.

KENTA & Davey Richards v. Briscoes (ROH: Time to Man Up - 8.4.06)

Again...haven't seen it. Read good things, though. Briscoes are just such smarmy, white trash Delaware rednecks. They look like they be rolling guys after the show for beer money. They just ooze sleaze. And that's totally a compliment. Of course, I've always dug the persona more so than their in ring stuff. They're definitely talented. Don't get me wrong. I just think a few years of experience will do them well.

Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) v. Super Dragon & Davey Richards (PWG: Permanent Vacation - Card Subject to Change 2 - 2.4.06)

This is becoming quite the Hero love in. And why not? This time, you get Claudio as well. Best tag team in the world right now. Not sure where Claudio stands, as I'd read that WWE signed him, but have already released him. Nutty. Anyway, Dragon is Dragon with all the dickish headdroppy fun that entails and Davey Richards was the 2006 indy "it" kid. Pretty much an American version of KENTA. He'll be pretty awesome a few years down the line. This one runs close to an hour, but is well worth watching.

That should you for a bit. Lemme figure out what I want to write about and I'll get back to you. Word.


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