Friday Night SmackDown! 8/10/2007: For and Against

AGAINST: Batista's not in sync with his pyro.

FOR: Flair putting over Khali's Claw.

AGAINST: Deunce n Domino's plan going awry.

AGAINST: That wasn't very smart, Deuce.

FOR: I think Khali actually said "Batista."

AGAINST: We already saw this.

FOR: Rey?

AGAINST: Wait, that's clearly Chavo.

FOR: JBL to Cole: "You fell for it."

FOR: Chavo whiffing on the 619.

FOR: Chavo as Rey, then Eugene as Chavo.

AGAINST: The 330?

FOR: Sterling Keenan? Hey, I've heard of him.

AGAINST: I think they came back from the video a bit late.

AGAINST: I still don't get the spit cup.

AGAINST: "Necking", Cole? What is this, 1957?

FOR: Oh, there's Michelle.

AGAINST: "Life-threatening"? Cole said it was an outpatient procedure.

FOR: JBL on maybe being Vince's illegitimate child: "That would be awesome!" Cole: "You're a 40-year-old man. You wouldn't get an allowance."

FOR: Finlay selling that hard elbow by Matt.

FOR: This match.

FOR: Matt's backslide attempt.

AGAINST: The hell? Where's Finlay going?

FOR: Moore and Funaki beggin goff when Noble says "There's three of us."

AGAINST: Bad move, Finlay.

AGAINST: Sylvan's still alive?

FOR: Cole: "Sylvan may want to surrender!"

FOR: And here's Finlay for revenge. They used to call this "Pulp Piction booking." Straight out of the Tao of Heyman.

AGAINST: Vickie's giving Teddy Viagra? That can't be good. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

AGAINST: Who gave Masters a microphone?

FOR: Masters getting scared and ducking out.

FOR: Flair is still > you, BTW.

AGAINST: That may not have been wise.

AGAINST: How must this look to a non-fan watching this for the first time? A 60-year-old man and that... thing.

FOR: Even JBL's stunned.


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