Friday Night Smackdown! 8/17/2007: For and Against

FOR: Post 300!

A Kane/Khali rematch?

AGAINST: "The V.I.P. Lounge"?

AGAINST: A boxing match?

AGAINST: Holyfield? It's clearly worse than I thought. For him, I mean. Seriously, is he broke?

FOR: Matt: "You got a heart condition, all right. It's a lack of."

AGAINST: Masters? We're off to a rollicking start.

FOR: Clear the ring!

FOR: Flair laughing when Stephanie told Vince that his kid's a WWE wrestler was secretly great.

AGAINST: Peach, Vince?

AGAINST: When are Jesse and Festus going to actually get to Smackdown?

FOR: Cole: "I'm a bit Irish."

AGAINST: Wait, so that was Cole as John Oates on WWE Idol? Good God. (FOR: However, Maria bobbing her head in time while Volkoff sang the Russian anthem was tremendous.)

FOR: They did a Morrison/Punk Summerslam ad?

FOR: JBL on Finlay: "Hey, he grew up in Northern Ireland The place is famous for its beautiful barbed wire."

FOR: Finlay throwing Noble into the ropes knee-first.

FOR: Noble and Moore get matches? What show is this?

FOR: JBL: "The fans did not want to see me disfigured."

FOR: Moore's counter of the Gory Bomb.


FOR: I'm not sure who's the worse dancer here. Cole: "I think Coach has done this before."

AGAINST: Why are the druids carrying torches in daylight IN THE DESERT?

FOR: Michelle slapping Kenny by accident.

FOR: Michelle still selling that slap.

FOR: JBL: "You really don't want Elvira as a bridesmaid."

AGAINST: Do Cole and JBL really think she's not actually completely insane? Don't they watch Raw?

FOR: Michelle's rope-flip armdrag.

AGAINST: Michelle hurting herself afterwards.

AGAINST: That may have been the worst flying clothesline ever.

AGAINST: Triple H as the Six Million Dollar Man in the worst kind of cheese.

FOR: Khali not flinching when Kane's pyro goes off (and Cole pointing out how everybody else does.)

AGAINST: This match.

FOR: JBL: "Kane has been here 10 years. We've never seen this."


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