11/29/2005 SmackDown! Special: For and Against

AGAINST: Tape delays.

FOR: At least the Flyers had the decency to win.

FOR: Benoit going on the attack first.

FOR: Sharmell: "We need some help!"

FOR: Benoit going for the tope and missing AGAIN.

FOR: Tazz pointing out Benoit's use of the belly-to-belly suplex, a deviation from his normal method.

AGAINST: No, Chris, not that corner.

FOR: Huh. Sharmell didn't knock him off this time.

FOR: Benoit's "dead weight" selling.

FOR: This Rey/Show video package.

AGAINST: Show's annoyance. "Why am I here?"

FOR: Rey using Eddie's entrance.

FOR: Not that it's difficult in this case, but Show's playing the heel role very well here.

AGAINST: The ref bump.


FOR: The look on Kane's face when he sees Taker.

FOR: Kane bailing the fuck out.

AGAINST: This is the longest ref bump ever.

AGAINST: All right, this is officially a clusterfuck.

AGAINST: A crowbar? That's the best you can do, Randy?

FOR: All right, that was cool.

FOR: Even Randy looks surprised by the size of the explosions.

AGAINST: No! Not the car!

FOR: I'm assuming Rey won by countout.


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