Rawbservations: Rebellion (Lies)

Here is your LOOOOOOOOOOSER...there's my n-word. Vince against firings? Did I take a right at Alburquerque or something? Goal: eat slice of cake. Goal: put on a match. Goal: kiss Trish. It's plenty easy. What about Shane? Wouldn't mind that so much. DAMN, I'M GOOD! You like that, huh? Can you feel it!? HUH!? VINCE DANCING~!

Slap AND apple. AND the shirt choke! Das cool. Lungblower! That could be a finisher if he ever needed one. Nice spot since heels don't usually follow up skinning the cat--­¡PLANCHA! Cool brawl in the corner. They must be force-feeding "true grit" to Joey in the earpeace. That was the worst looking Savage elbow I've ever seen Shawn do; nice sell. CDT! Aww. Liked the ending, just not who went over.

Vengeance was months ago, Kurt.

Oh, right.


I like Bisch getting both of his problems together to minimize them. Oh, 150 seconds to the Cena run-in. Camel clutch! Meet the new scapegoat...Shawn, come on, you couldn't've used the WMDDT? I think if you count the ref shenanigans I was right. Masters or Cena? Chair? Firing squad? Could that HAVE any more stips?

STOP TALKING OVER TRISH YOU IDJITS. Hey, the Mean Girls reunite! And with the end of that sentence I've quit caring. Mickie has a cute butt. Oh, man, right in the baby...shooter-outer. Mickierana! Mickiefaction? Kathy Bates can be proud.

I think in order to have had a worse past 6 months than Shelton you would've had to have some form of ID saying you're from New Orleans: stealing the show with Jericho and putting on the free TV match of the year with Shawn to this.

When did Lawler get anti-HHH? Come on, Joey. I know New Jack used one at some point. Wasn't this supposed to be with Edge? Oh, right: Adam's banging the wrong slut. Oh, by the way, insert snarky followup comment about him burying the IC title. Wish Paul would just book himself over Cena already and get it over with. Greatest Wrestler, Biggest Wrestler. Gold medals? Who cares?

Bye, Eric.


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