Friday Night SmackDown! 12/04/2005: For and Against

FOR: The police tape.

AGAINST: Cole's outrage. How does what Orton did turn the locker room against him? That's a hell of a leap to make with nowhere to land.

FOR: "Do you disagree with me?"

AGAINST: A tag team battle royal? Ugh. These usually suck.

FOR: Melina's wardrobe modifications.

FOR: She's gonna do the entrance on the commentary table?

FOR: Cole and Tazz being flustered. "How am I supposed to call the match with Melina sitting in front of me?"

AGAINST: The Dicks? Are you kidding me?

AGAINST: Never go to the top rope in a battle royal.

FOR: Psicosis' reversal elimination.

FOR: Ooh, MNM/Mexicools. I'm down.

FOR: JBL acknowledging that he doesn't like Rey.

FOR: Benoit/Regal. These are usually good.

AGAINST: Booker's no Gordon Solie.

FOR: Regal's knee into Benoit's temple against the ringpost.

FOR: Booker getting worried as the tide turns.

FOR: Benoit chopping Regal across the face. Ouch.

FOR: Even Nick Patrick's taken aback by Benoit's headbutts.

FOR: Booker T, you've just been PUNKED.

AGAINST: Sharmell, you're not helping.

FOR: Cole finally starting to connect the weird shit that's gone on tonight to the Undertaker.

AGAINST: Matt's pants.

FOR: Randy selling his fear.

FOR: Randy being heckled by random fans.

FOR: Teddy Long not caring if Undertaker's dead or not.

FOR: Simon competing under duress.

AGAINST: They should have shown him in the bathroom throwing up.

AGAINST: "The bottomless pit"? This needs to stop. Now.

FOR: "He's afflicted." "He eats worms."

FOR: I'm with you, Cole. This blows.

FOR: At least it was only three minutes of my life that I won't get back.

FOR: This Lashley video package.

FOR: Dominator!

FOR: Rey selling his injuries.

FOR: Rey's flurries of illegal offense.

AGAINST: Pink really isn't Jillian's color.

AGAINST: Poked in the eye? Where the hell's JBL going?

AGAINST: What the hell took you so long, Dave?


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