Friday Night SmackDown! 12/16/2005: For and Against

AGAINST: This is no way to start a show.

FOR: At least the smoke obscures the view.

FOR: The reactions of the guys watching in the back.

FOR: Cole: "I've never felt sorry for Nunzio until now."

FOR: Melina in red.

AGAINST: Damn you, David Batista! Damn your filthy hide!

FOR: Super Crazy skinning the cat.

FOR: Crazy's leg roll.

FOR: Cole: "I don't think Melina had a headache tonight."

FOR: Ah, I've seen that look so many times before...

AGAINST: ...I wake up. :(

FOR: Reader's choice here:

AGAINST: Damn, Dave. Finished already? I'd still be there.


FOR: Play on, playa.

FOR: "I'm gonna kill those guys! See ya out there."

AGAINST: Aren't you not supposed to do that before a big athletic performance?

FOR: Melina's on tilt. Waving off the paparazzi; no special ring entrance; she's pissed.

FOR: "What do you mean, you don't know what happened?"

FOR: MNM strategically hiding Melina behind the pole.

FOR: The "slut" chant.

FOR: That headstand into a sunset flip by Rey.

FOR: The assisted slingshot powerbomb.

FOR: The reverse rana.

AGAINST: MNM losing.

FOR: Good match, though.

AGAINST: Is JBL slurring his words?

FOR: Batista & Rey, Benoit, Mexicools, Juventud, Matt, Orton.

FOR: Sharmell's broom. Tazz: "Is she gonna sweep with that broom or is she gonna ride it?"

FOR: "A box of Viagra and a big boot."

AGAINST: The "Layfield Lure?"

AGAINST: Is Randy trying to back out of this?

FOR: "Hello, Dead Man Retirement Planning?"

FOR: Druids~~~~

FOR: That's how you beat down the Undertaker.


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