Rawbservations: All These Things That I've Done

Start with Masters. Wow, Tomlinson throwback all the way over there. Oh, good, no commentary. People got in with Jericho AND Christian shirts? 3 years. See, Matt, I remembered. I actually agree with Coach on the last po...well, why can't HE be GM? I dimly remember that happening, heh. Shane is what we in the hood call conspicuous by his absence.

Here come the Divison Killers. That nickname was sarcastic! TRIPLE chokeslam? That's just crazy.

Awesome! No wrestling for Masters!

This just in: Trish is HOT. Thank you, Candice. That actually was nice rotation. Hooray for Joey. Isn't that a pin? Mickierana! 3 Hit Combo! Do I dare say "shades of Ultimo Dragon" about a WWE broadcast? OK, Chioda had to see that after the fact.

Tajiri's still employed! WAS still employed!

Wh..is...is that Shelton Benjamin? Am I hallucinating? Hold up, there's a delivery guy here. Sign for this heel turn? I guess.

Did...Chavo? When did Heat get two hours? Joey & Mike Tenay need to have a nerdoff. And based on the Art Barr namedrop, I got Joey by 4 points.

Honest to Allah. Heh. Damnit, now I want a Moon Pie.

Lookit that preening slut. Also, there's Lita. I would like to start the We Want Christian chant. Stadler & Waldorf was right there, Edge. SLIPPING. You know, I thought things weren't going well before, and then somehow they got worse. In a wrestling talk show segment. I know, I know. So Edge's new thing...is Rob Conway's old thing?

They're not even bothering with the loser intros tonight. Yeesh. Apparently I'm the only one who remembers the whole McMahon-Helmsley thing starting by Triple H Pedigreeing Big Show to win the title. I know, I know, so last millennium and it doesn't count.

Here's four words I never thought I'd say: the Boogeyman is awesome.

If you're wondering if I'm a journalism geek you should've seen how fast I fell in love when Maria said capricious.

Thank you, Joey. And again. Wave of the Future! II! II! II! Is Kurt wrestling in Chuck Taylors? Oh, no, a Shawn/Shelton match. No. Stop. Don't.

You know I know a guy perfect for the GM job. Loves the business. Looking for work. Real smart. And I'm sure once Oklahoma's done with the Holiday Bowl...


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