Rawbservations: Destroy Everything You Touch

That sound guy bit was hilarious, and got the crowd fully behind Vince. "Just ribbing--it's not going to be one of you." What's T.O. doing these days? You want to see somebody get heat...oh, this'll work. "Chops are being served tonight in Boston!" Didn't get the rotation on the Angle Slam, though. I'd love it if Joey said "shark smelling blood" right now. Nice gimp, Kurt. Well, the song is called Medal...we'll probably have Flair/Edge at either Revolution or the Rumble. My GOD, when Kurt rocks the mic he rocks the mic right. Everybody: I'm John Cena, bitch! Good Lord, did he just admit the split reaction he gets AND make a good point?! Bluh?

You know when I would've liked to see this out of Shelton? It's a five way tie between July, August, September...not the Fro, man! DAMN, Joey rules. Lungblower! Bret backbreaker there. Nice "Shelton = Ratings" sign--you'd think some guy would've used that by now. Walls of Carlito! Wave of the Future! Carlito is a brilliant man. Flatliner! Who betta?! T-BONE! I think that's the first time he hit it since it became summer. What the...I was hoping for him warming up the bandthere. That's an odd-sounding jeer for Carlito winning.

It's Monday, so Big Show smiles. Odds on Shelton costing Shawn the match have been taken off the board at Bellagio. Coack & King have stepped up with Joey on the mic. When you're Show, a bearhug looks deadly. When you're Chris Masters' size, it just looks like you're auditioning for CSI: Fire Island. That was sloppy and AWESOME. Lefty, even! He'll hit Shawn. Man ain't stupid. Except the part where the 3-story building wants to grind his bones to make his bread.


Dean Striker. That'll work.

Chris Nowinksi and Dusty Rhodes in the same segment. I think I just brained my damage.

This Trish chick, she's pretty decent-looking. Mickie's dressed for Christmas (no, I didn't get it right away). JOEY CALLED THE SPIDER'S WEB oh shit tilde tilde tilde. Mickie learned from the last time with the moonsault; so did Vicki with the Boston crab out of the Mickirana. And two Boston crabs from the heels tonight, nice. That was grisly.

Kane's winning, he didn't hit the pyro. This is a fun brawl. themonsterkane. Cue Show. Better yet, cue Peter Gabriel, NOW cue Show. Is Survior Series the only match Triple H has won since he came back? ...awesome.

They made damn sure Cena got the hometown pop, didn't he? MARCO! POLO! STF again? Who does he think he is, Samoa Joe?


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