Friday Night SmackDown! 4/21/2006: For and Against

FOR: Content! By people OTHER THAN ME!!! dances

FOR: The SNME-like opening promos.

AGAINST: I hope the throne doesn't catch fire.

FOR: Sharmell low-bridging Matt and acting like nothing happened.

FOR: This match. They're not doing anything spectacular, but it's solid and all the little things are working.

FOR: Matt's Scorpion Death Drop counter.

FOR: The crowd getting behind Matt after the Side Effect.

FOR: Good match.

FOR: Regal's choice. Teddy bear or...

FOR: Tazz: "I do like the pink."

FOR: London catching Mercury's knee to start off.

FOR: Mercury shoving London off the top turnbuckle.

FOR: Did you see the kid in the front row cover his ears when Melina started to scream? Priceless.


FOR: London jumping on to Mercury's back.

AGAINST: The blown landing.

FOR: This match.

FOR: Mercury turning Kendrick into collateral damage.

FOR: Great finish, with Mercury's cockiness (which Cole was pushing throughout the match) actually coming back to cost him.

FOR: Regal: "I can't bloody smile wide enough."

AGAINST: Thanks for tipping us off to Undertaker's return tonight, Cole.

FOR: Using Benoit to build the heat segment for the hot tag.

FOR: Finlay's drop toe hold into the armbar.

FOR: That's three good matches. Too bad Khali's wrestling tonight.


FOR: Angle/Rey next week.

AGAINST: Poor Funaki.

FOR: At least it was quick.

FOR: Huh. UT didn't show.

FOR: Tazz: "You know, I got that same plant in my living room at home." Yeah, what the hell is that supposed to be?

FOR: OK, I don't get that.

FOR: A DRUM CORPS. Tremendous.

FOR: Hummer limo with the horns~~~~~~~

FOR: The "overinflated balloons" bit.

FOR: The "Eddie" chant changing to a "619" chant when JBL points out that the crowd's not even chanting Rey's name.

AGAINST: JBL putting himself in position for the 619.

FOR: A fine effort.


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