Wrestlemania Advance: For and Against

FOR: SmackDown > Raw. At least in relation to the unpredictability factor of this show. Honestly, the only Raw match where the outcome is in doubt is the one nobody gives a damn about (Show/Kane vs. Carlito/Masters). Do you really think Shawn's losing to Vince after the way that storyline's gone (and because historically, Vince's character has always taken a spectacular fall when it's time for the payoff)? Edge is beating Foley, Mickie should beat Trish if only to lose it back, and the only way HHH doesn't win is via act of God.

On the other hand, anyone could win the triple threat match (though Angle retaining is the least likely scenario), Benoit/JBL could go either way, and Boogeyman vs. The Family T, to me, is one of those deals where the obvious outcome may not be so obvious.

AGAINST: "Big Time?" You couldn't find a song from this century to get the same point across?

FOR: John Cena's image. Look at it this way: once he loses the title, there's actually a chance he'll be standing upright and un-bloodied at the end of an episode of Raw for the first time since he switched shows.

AGAINST: Half the field in Money in the Bank. Flair actually has a better shot than Shelton, Finlay and Matt just for the "WTF!" factor of a man in his mid-50s winning a ladder match. RVD is the favorite here, methinks.

FOR: Let's hope Angle can stay a face past Mania, as Smackdown's not at all deep on the face side.

AGAINST: Really, you couldn't find MNM a match?

FOR: Mark Henry last week. "Kane lost... TWICE!"


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