ECW on Sci-Fi (11.14.06)

-Last week, Hardcore Holly shockingly turned on Rob Van Dam. I feel like I wrote about this mere moments ago. Oh wait...I did.


-Elijah Burke is your color commentator tonight, as Tazz apparently had knee surgery this past week. Hearty get well wishes to him, brutha. Terkay is lurking in the background as well. Terkay versus Tazz would have been pretty nifty back in the day. Actually, right now, I want to see the absolute trainwreck that Terkay v. Khali would be. Ignoring Khali's complete lack of talent, it would be an interesting match to book.

I just suggested a Terkay/Khali match. Whoa.

-There's a table set up in the ring, all official looking. This is ECW, so that probably means that no one will go through it, since they're supposed to be the polar opposites of the rest of the business and all. Paul Heyman is out, with Big Show in tow. He has the open Elimination Chamber in hand, just waiting for Hardcore Holly's signature.

The cameras cut to the back, as Holly is headed to the ring. Suddenly, Bobby Lashley attacks! He lays Holly out and starts toward the ring. Show is waiting in the aisle. Lashley spears the shit out of him, climbs into the ring and signs the contract. Why aren't the people I *like* on Smackdown jumping to this show?

-Commercials. This week's movie is called The Invaders.

-Replay of the Lashley shenanigans.

-Heyman pow wows with Show, Test and Holly. They're questioning why Heyman did the open contract thing. He wanted to make Holly's insertion in the match look legit. Show points out that they run the show. No need for things to even look legit. Heyman promises to lawyer up on Lashley, then books him in the main event versus Holly.

CM Punk v. Mike Knox (w/Kelly Kelly) -

Punk kicks away at Knox's legs to start. He snapmares him and adds a spinal tap for good measure. He plants Knox with a Saito suplex and gets two. Knox comes back with a gut kick. Corner whip by Knox. Punk floats over and sets up for the Uranage. Knox says EH EH, elbowing free and quickly bailing out. He dodges a baseball slide dropkick and nails Punk. He turns to scold K².

When he turns back, Punk nails him with a spinkick. He bumps into K² and she goes down. Punk checks on her, allowing Knox to jump him. He puts Punk in a bearhug and rams him into the ringpost. Back in the ring, he drops a few knees and picks up a two count. Really nice vertical suplex follow and Knox again gets a two count. He catapults Punk into the corner, then dropkicks him in the back. That looked brutal. Cover gets two.

He whips Punk into the corner, but runs into a back elbow. Punk sets up for a suplex, but his back is too injured to hoist Knox up. Knox responds with his legsweep backbreaker and gets two. Boston crab by Knox. Punk fights to the ropes. Knox continues to pound on him and locks him in a surfboard. He lifts Punk for a suplex, but eats a knee to the face. Punk comes back striking.

He ducks a clothesline and catches Knox with a heel kick. He whips Knox into the corner, signaling for his running kneelift. He takes too long, though, charging into a back elbow. Punk avoids a pump kick and hits a springboard dropkick. Knox bails. Big tope suicida by Punk! Back in the ring, Punk nails him with a springboard clothesline. Cover gets two.

He hits his knee in the corner and plants Knox with a bulldog. Another nearfall. He bounces off the ropes, but charges into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He tries to follow with a backdrop suplex, but Punk rolls through. KENTA Rush, uranage, Anaconda Vice and this one is over. K² looks happy with the results.

These two really do work well together. Completely different from last week's match, but just as good. Can't argue with that.


-Matt Striker introduces an Elimination Chamber highlight video. I find it interesting that, other than one quick clip, Goldberg isn't seen at all.

-Punk promo. He's looking forward to the Elimination Chamber. He craves competition, of course, and this match will see him competing with five of the best. He commits a small gaffe, though, as the Chamber doesn't have a door. But we'll forgive him for that one. Next one results in a beating, though.


Daivari (w/Khali) v. Tommy Dreamer - was a match with Dreamer that saw the WWE debut of the Magic Carpet Ride, so lets cross our fingers. Same shtick as the last few weeks, with Daivari attacking Dreamer, who's toe to toe with Khali. Dreamer comes back pretty quickly, tossing him with a fallaway slam. He stomps away at Daivari in the corner. Daivari comes back with an eyerake and dropkicks Dreamer in the knee.

He goes to work on the injured leg, including a half crab. He rolls to the floor, then wraps Dreamer's leg around the edge of the apron. He tries for a second, but Dreamer kicks him into the barricade. Dreamer shakes out the leg as Daivari heads up top. He goes for a crossbody, but the pool is empty.

Dreamer punches away at him, but gets his knee clipped. He bounces off the ropes for something, but Dreamer elevates him into a flapjack. He backs into the corner, signaling for the DDT. Khali is waiting, tripping him up and crotching him on the post. That's a DQ. Postmatch, Khali chokeslams Dreamer.


-Lets replay those Lashley clips one more time! It'll be the last time...they promise. This minute, anyway.

-Heyman, Show, Test and the riot squad are all ringside.

-Intros for the main event.


Bobby Lashley v. Hardcore Holly (w/a cast of thousands) -

We join this in progress, apparently. Lashley whips Holly into the corner and follows him in with a clothesline. Delayed vertical suplex. Burke keeps referring to Lashley as a "meathead." Dude...Test is like two feet away from you. Be reasonable. Holly bails, with Lashley close behind. He charges, but Holly elevates him into the steps. He rams him into the steps a second time and rolls him back in.

Holly pounds on him, but Lashley casually picks him up and slams him as if he were a child. He misses an elbow. Holly scores with a slam of his own, then drops a leg. He grabs a rear chinlock. Lashley breaks free, but walks into a stiff clothesline. Burke: "Like a train hittin' a bus." Both guys start trading strikes.

Holly snapmares Lashley and drops a knee. Cover gets two. He slams Lashley and heads up top. Dive into a boot. LASHLEY SMASH! He hoists Holly into a torture rack, the drops to his knees. Abyss does a similar move. Cover gets two. Lashley's turn to head up top. Holly crotches him, though.

Superplex by Holly is good for two. He heads upstairs once again, this time leaping into an Exploder. Lashley clotheslines him in the corner, then plants him with a running powerslam. He covers, but Show yanks the ref to the floor. That's a DQ, methinks.

Cue the heel beatdown? Not so much, as all the participants of the Elimination Chamber hit the ring and brawl. RVD and Lashley face off as the show closes...

And I'm officially caught up with my recaps once more. Huzzah to me!


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