Video Vault 16 - Subtitle THIS!

Got a fun mix of stuff this time out. Including another MOTYC that I've yet to see. Lemme know if I should bother tracking it down. I'm real, real close to actually getting that high speed internet stuff the kids love so much, so maybe I can actually watch some of these matches I've not seen. Hate watching stuff on my PC, but I'm willing to make the occasional exception.

Naomichi Marufuji v. KENTA (GHC Title match - 10.29.06)

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

This would be the MOTYC I speak of. Supposed to be a really fun, fast paced match with a few nutty spots. And rather historic, as well, as it's the first time that Misawa stuck out two juniors out there to headline a major show.

Ric Flair v. Brian Pillman (WCW Saturday Night - 4.13.91)

If this is the match I'm thinking of, it'll rock your world. Even if it's not, every Flair/Pillman match I've ever seen has been great. Flair was something of a mentor to Pillman in his early years and always made him look great when they wrestled.

Nigel McGuinness v. Bryan Danielson - Title Unification match (ROH: Unified - 8.12.06)

I *loved* this match. Nigel is friggin' AMAZING and Danielson is, well...Danielson. Another MOTYC. I believe Meltz dropped ****3/4 on it, for whatever that's worth. I'd love to see Nigel in TNA or WWE at some point (what...I like not having to pay to see my favorites work). He'd tear shit up in a team with Regal, for instance. God damn, would that ever rule the school. He's certainly big enough, if not particularly bulked up and absolutely excels at that hard nosed British wrestling I dig oh so much.

Super Dragon v. Samoa Joe (PWG: All Nude Revue - 2.12.05)

Haven't seen this one either, sadly. But it's Supes versus Joe. That can only equal carnage on a magnificent level. Supes is the greatest dickhead heel in the business...even when he's a face. Gotta love him for that.


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