Friday Night SmackDown! 3/30/2007: For and Against

AGAINST: "The Biggest Interview In Sports Entertainment History?"

FOR: Edge.

FOR: Edge vs. Matt.


AGAINST: Cole thinking JBL might actually be opposed to Edge's tactics.

FOR: Kane ending this farce.

AGAINST: What exactly are Kane's plans for that hook?

AGAINST: Sonic on a Nintendo system just looks so wrong.

BOTH: Did he just say ten-Diva tag?

FOR: Kennedy and Finlay not breaking the grapple while rolling out of the ring.

FOR: JBL: "That's a $1,000 hat."

FOR: Finlay finishing the job Kennedy started on the turnbuckle pad.

AGAINST: The Lepreton Bomb?

FOR: JBL: "I love her."

AGAINST: A spear?

FOR: Cole: "Everybody laughs at me. I'm used to it."

FOR: Ah, it's called the Playmaker. All right.


FOR: Jeff's rope-hang kick in the corner.

AGAINST: Bad camera angle on the Whisper in the Wind. You can tell Jeff completely missed.

AGAINST: Seriously, WTF is Edge's problem?

FOR: Michelle's back!

AGAINST: I predict this will be a bigger trainwreck than the Lumberjill match on Sunday.

AGAINST: Is Ashley really the only face Diva on SmackDown?

FOR: Michelle grabbing Victoria to protect her from bouncing off the ropes. You rarely see that.

AGAINST: Those of you expecting any further serious commentary for this match are going to be gravely disappointed.

AGAINST: What exactly did Victoria and Michelle grab on to to do that double suplex on Mickie?

AGAINST: Michelle's hair.

FOR: JBL: "I'm like a fat kid in a pizza factory."

AGAINST: Has Cole never seen the inside of Playboy before? "I was afraid to open the pages up." JBL: "You were afraid." Cole: "I didn't know what I was gonna find." Maybe there's something to JBL's insinuations about his "leanings."

AGAINST: Who's hit that moonsault more often, Vic or Kurt Angle?

AGAINST: Victoria's objections.

FOR: JBL:"What do you call that move?" Cole: "An offensive maneuver."

FOR: Melina ducking off the apron as Ashley came after her.

AGAINST: I clearly missed something here: JBL: "A huge festive activity." Cole: "What?" JBL: "Apologize for your parents."

AGAINST: JBL sort of forgot the middle part of his point about Punk's anonymity being an advantage for him.

FOR: Whoa! Punk wins!

FOR: Austin?!?

FOR: Ooooooooo-kaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

FOR: I wonder if Undertaker's actually going to say anything.

FOR: Long's line of questioning.

FOR: That "NO!" got Dave some boos.

AGAINST: I guess Taker's staying quiet.

AGAINST: Good luck with THIS.

FOR: Cena, UT, Orton, MVP, Melina, Lashley, Kane, New Breed.


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