Friday Night SmackDown! 4/13/2007: For and Against

AGAINST: I kind of liked having the PPVs be brand-exclusive.

FOR: A Last Man Standing rematch?

AGAINST: Hornswaggle's still hiding under the ring?

AGAINST: Is that a Kennedy chant?

FOR: That's more like it.

AGAINST: What, no match?

FOR: Thanks, Teddy.

AGAINST: Is Michelle a face again?

AGAINST: Ashley's screams of Pain and Anguish.

FOR: Deuce & Domino's music is among the new greatest things ever.

AGAINST: Why is Cherry power walking?

FOR: JBL on London & Kendrick: "They're lunatics. But they're damn good lunatics."

FOR: London breaking his 10-punch to dropkick Domino off the apron.

AGAINST: Uh, what exactly happened to cause that?

FOR: D&D busting into Teddy's office.

FOR: Benoit's two rope breaks.

FOR: The comedy of JBL saying "player haters."

AGAINST: The German suplex-off-the-apron-to-the-floor tease. It's never happening.

FOR: MVP's belly-to-belly overhead suplex.

FOR: This match.


FOR: Benoit stopping the vertical suplex with knee shots to MVP's head.

AGAINST: Was MVP thinking of sending Benoit over the ropes? JBL: "What's he looking at?"

FOR: The finish.

FOR: Interesting how they worked Booker's real injuries into the angle for his fake ones.

FOR: Regal and Taylor's revenge!

FOR: Kane's all "OK."

AGAINST: Did we really need two Condemned plugs?

AGAINST: The heels not entering first.

FOR: Batista turning as Undertaker's gong starts.

AGAINST: Is Kennedy going to go to his corner anytime soon?

FOR: Batista's smirk as he heads to the corner (and the announcers noting it.)

FOR: The other side of that, John, is that Undertaker has shown no interest in tagging out to Batista.

FOR: Batista's blind tag, as if on cue.

FOR: Batista tossing Kennedy aside after tagging Undertaker back in.

AGAINST: JBL's "predator/prey" analogy when describing Batista's new situation doesn't quite work.

AGAINST: Batista cutting off Old School.

AGAINST: Is Kennedy the legal man?

FOR: Guess so.


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