ECW on Sci-Fi (5.22.07)

-Opening montage opens the show. Nutty!

-Tonight, CM Punk and Rob Van Dam square off with Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Van. Some other stuff, too, I assume.

Snitsky v. Tommy Dreamer -

Snitsky mauls Dreamer, posting him shoulderfirst in the corner. He actually works the arm a bit, but quickly goes back to simple clubberin', to quote a wise, wise man. Dreamer avoids a big boot and Snitsky crotches himself on the top rope. Dreamer kicks away at his thigh and crops him to his knees with a dropkick. He DDTs Snitsky, but can only get two. Dreamer heads up top, but leaps into a stiff clothesline. Big boot by Snitsky and that's that.

Postmatch, Snitsky continues the beatdown. He grabs a chair, but RVD runs out and connects with a springboard Van Daminator.

-Clips of the ECW Title match at Judgment Day. Bobby Lashley picks up the win, but not over Vince McMahon. You don't beat the champ, you don't get the belt. So sez Vince, at any rate.


-K² and crew are out to introduce Timberland's "Throw It On Me" video. Does this mean I won't get my weekly taste of the Expose. What the hell will I fast forward through now? Other than this video, of course.

Kevin Thorn (w/o the freshly released Ariel) v. Wyatt Lara -

A hearty boo to the release of Ariel. So much sadness.

Thorn isn't sad. He's pissed off. He takes Lara down with a side headlock and I swear he's trying to pop this kid's head clean off. Awesome. He plants him with a flapjack and follows up with a lariat. Man, he's just whaling on this dude. He drives him into the corner. Lara comes back, hitting a few mounted punches in the corner. Thorn quickly shoves him hard to the mat, though. He nails him with a running boot to the face and follows with the Dark Kiss (now called the Original Sin by Styles) and picks up the win.

I like Kevin Thorn. What were the odds of that? Next thing you know, I'll be digging on Snitsky and Mike Knox (where's he at, anyway?).

-Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Van chat backstage. Striker walks up. Burke tells him to get the job done tonight versus one of the Major Brothers, or the two of them will have a problem. Cor Van helpfully warns Striker that he doesn't want any problems.


-"Famous" by Puddle of Crapp is your official theme for One Night Stand. Ugh. If there's a band I hate more, I can't think of it. It did allow me to bust out the Puddle of Crapp line for the first time in a few years (or since the last time the band was actually, you know…relevant), though, so huzzah to that!

Matt Striker v. Brett Major -

Major opens with a pair of armdrags. Striker shoots him into the ropes, but gets tackled. Somersault senton connects and Major gets a two count. Striker comes back with a knee to the gut, then tosses him with a release Northern Lights suplex of sorts. He follows with a back suplex for a nearfall of his own. He grabs a cravate and cranks on it a bit before sending Major into the ropes. He ducks his head and Major rolls him up in a sunset flip, getting two. Striker pops right back up and levels him with a clothesline.

Back to the cravate. Major counters into a neckbreaker. He hits Striker with a jawjacker back elbow and gets two. Striker cuts him off and goes for a vertical suplex. Major blocks and rolls him up for yet another nearfall. He takes Striker down with a Thesz Press and goes for a dropkick. Striker swats him aside. He hits the "Golden Rule" which I thought was an Overdrive, then follows up with…an Overdrive. Methinks Styles is going senile. At any rate, Striker gets the monkey off his back and avoids a New Breed ass kicking for one more week, at least.


-Clips from Raw. Lashley runs the gauntlet.

-RVD and CM Punk get their intro(s).


Rob Van Dam & CM Punk v. New Breed (Elijah Burke & Marcus Cor Van) -

Punk's ribs are still taped up. Quality.

Van Dam and Cor Van start. Side headlock by Cor Van. RVD shoots him into the ropes, but gets tackled. They switch that sequence around, but Cor Van is still the guy doing the tackling in the end. He whips RVD into the corner, but charges into a back elbow. RVD headfakes a springboard move, causing Cor Van to drop down in the corner. RVD responds with a split legged moonsault. Cover gets two. Cor Van picks him up and carries him into the heel corner. Burke tags in. They beat him down in the corner for a bit.

Irish whip by Burke. He's looking for a kneelift, but Van Dam rolls him up for a nearfall. He follows with a pair of armdrags/ Burke catches a kick. He ducks the ensuing enzuigiri and grabs a rear waistlock. RVD elbows free and makes a blind tag to Punk. Burke tries to hiptoss Van Dam, but eats a kick. He staggers toward Punk, who connects with a springboard clothesline! He knocks Cor Van off of the apron, then clotheslines Burke over the top as we go to break!


Back from break, RVD down, with Cor Van cranking on a half crab. During the break, RVD hit his tumbling monkey flip on Burke, but Cor Van shoved him off the top rope and to the floor. This apparently tweaked his knee, as it's become the focus point for the heels. Tag to Burke, who splashes the knee as it's stretched out in the ropes. He distracts the ref and Cor Van rams the knee into the edge of the apron. Burke covers and gets two. He repeatedly slams both of Van Dam's knees into the mat and gets another nearfall.

Tag to Cor Van. RVD comes back, but Cor Van kicks him in the knee. He takes him down with a drop toehold and makes the tag. Spinning toehold by Burke, but Van Dam rolls him up. Burke is in the ropes, though. Burke ties his leg up in the ropes and crashes down on it with a wicked looking double kneedrop. Cool move. He covers and gets two. Tag to Cor Van. He pounds on Van am a bit and goes back to the half crab. Tag to Burke. He grabs RVD's leg, but ends up taking an enzuigiri.

RVD makes the hot tag to Punk. He levels Burke with a series of clotheslines. He whips Burke into the corner and hits his running knee strike/bulldog combo. He covers, but Cor Van makes the save. Van Dam sends him to the floor with a kick, but misses a pescado. In the ring, Punk lifts Burke for the GTS, but Cor Van cuts him off with a shoulder block to the ribs. He nails him with the Pounce and the ref calls for a DQ for no apparent reason. Meh.

Postmatch, Cor Van gives a Pounce to RVD and the heels celebrate as we fade out…


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