Friday Night SmackDown! 5/18/2007: For and Against

FOR: Edge got into the opening quick.

FOR: Matt's not impressed.

FOR: This match so far.

AGAINST: I don't want to be Matt's head right now.

AGAINST: Did the camera miss MVP putting his feet on the ropes on the cover?

AGAINST: Matt ducked? I thought it was a blown spot.

FOR: The "Undertaker gets carried out of the ring by the druids" footage.

AGAINST: What, no car?

AGAINST: What's with the bandanna over London's mouth?

FOR: London and Kendrick's double jumping armdrag.

FOR: Has the London/Kendrick/Yang team ever lost a six-man tag? I'm not sure they have.

AGAINST: Why are we running comeback vignettes after the come-

FOR: Oh.

AGAINST: I see they've recycled the old Monty Brown promos.

AGAINST: Poor Funaki. Hasn't been seen in months and now this.

FOR: Cole and JBL's "brick wall" exchange.

FOR: Benoit/Finlay!

FOR: Benoit looking at the ropes then going for the counter.

FOR: This match, but you knew that.

AGAINST: Yeah, Chris, I think Hornswaggle's legs are too short for that.

FOR: Ashley!

AGAINST: Yeah, this song isn't really much better live.

AGAINST: Why is Miz winning squashes?

AGAINST: I have my reservations about this for other reasons.

FOR: JBL: "Because using a fist won't work."

AGAINST: I thought Boogeyman was coming out here on a bike or something.

FOR: Bangkok? Singapore?

AGAINST: And the point of that was...

FOR: JBL: "Where's PETA?"

AGAINST: I guess the Daltons' truck didn't make it to Baltimore.

FOR: Edge's celebratory pyro.

FOR: Sign of the Week: "Edge Fears Hardy"

AGAINST: Abu Dhabi?

AGAINST: Why are you showing people clapping?

FOR: It takes a real man to wear a pink tie in a wrestling ring. Big ups, Dave.

FOR: You know Edge is all "Losing ... circulation ... bones ... in hand ... breaking ..."

FOR: Edge, Cena, Vince, MVP, Shawn, Punk (how about Punk and Burke getting on the card?), Carlito.


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