Video Vault 23 - Lots o' Wrestling indeed!

So, yeah...I apologize for not writing anything as of late (especially to Matt, since he's been KING SIZED in carrying things). I've got 3/4 of Night 1 of the BoLA tournament done, but it's so friggin' long that typing it up is a pain in my ass. Which is really the problem with all of the indy reviews I'd love to do. Maybe I'll just start doing ECW again. It's been a bit better recently and Vince being featured prominently always gives me something to snipe about. As if I actively need to hunt things out to bitch about. I sure do wish WSX were still on my television, though. Or a TNA product that didn't make my soul hurt. Whatever.
Super Dragon v. Necro Butcher (PWG - Battle of Los Angeles, Night Two - 9.2.06)
What we've got here is two guys beating the ever loving SHIT out of one another. Not a great match, particularly, but it is a really fun, unhinged brawl that will have you cringing on several occasions. As always, I *heart* Necro. And Supes is able to show off more personality with a mask completely covering his face than most guys can even dream of. Dude has a presence... (24:35)
Samoa Joe v. Takeshi Morishima (ROH - Fifth Year Festival: NYC - 2.16.07)
You know, I've been guilty of overlooking Joe recently, as he's gotten really stale in TNA. Not his fault at all, but I've almost forgotten how good he really is. Meltzer calls this one ****1/2. Don't know that I agree with that, but it is a hell of a match and another great brawl. (18:48)
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson v. Kamala (NWA: Pro - 9.30.06)
It's Bryan Danielson versus friggin' KAMALA! Nothing I say would make this any more surreally awesome. You know you want to watch this. (23:03)
Murder City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) v. Ikuto Hidaka & Minoru Fujita (Zero-One - 8.25.06)
Haven't seen this one, but the MCMGs are my favorite team out there right now and Hidaka/Fujita tend to be all sorts of awesome as well. Can't imagine this is anything but a fast paced sprint of a match with people flying all over the place. And what more can you ask for? (33:53)
Hulk Hogan v. Paul "Big Show" Wight (Memphis Wrestling - Clash of Legends - 4.27.07)
This is supposed to be the full match. It's not loading properly for me, though, so I have no way of actually checking it out. So much hate for the dialup. Meh.
Sabu/Rob Van Dam v. Eliminators (ECW - November 2 Remember 1996)
Just thought I'd leave a little reminder of what ECW used to be. This is probably the best of their series of matches.
Chris Sabin v. Alex Shelley v. Shark Boy v. Sonjay Dutt v. Jay Lethal (TNA - Lockdown 2007)
Entertaining mess of a match, I guess. Have I ever mentioned how retarded the entire Lockdown concept is? Because wow...way to overkill the cage match gimmick and make nothing on the card mean anything at all. Way to be, TNA. Way to be.
Straight Shootin' w/CM Punk & Samoa Joe
Yeah, it's the shoot interview with Punk and Joe. Didn't even look to see how long this was, so it might be the entire thing for all I know. Some funny stuff in here, though. Not one of my favorite shoots ever (I prefer shoots with guys who've been around for ages and have a ton of stuff to talk about over young guys who, well...don't), but definitely entertaining.