Friday Night SmackDown! 2/10/2006: For and Against

(Doing this from memory since the power went out before I could post it.)

FOR: Anyone else catch the thumbs-up JBL gave Orlando when he entered the ring?

AGAINST: The lack of coherent action in this match.

AGAINST: Did they re-edit that one near-fall for Benoit that JBL broke up? I was sure that was a three-count.

FOR: JBL double-crossing Orlando.

FOR: Orlando getting his back.

FOR: Benoit wins! And Booker's livid.

FOR: Teddy Long taking away all of Booker's ways out by forcing him to either face Benoit or forfeit the belt.

FOR: Jillian accepting Lashley's challenge on JBL's behalf... and JBL not looking all that happy about it.

AGAINST: Don't do it, Matt. Remember what happened with the last woman you got involved with on-camera. Don't do it.

AGAINST: Do we really need these close-ups on Henry's face?

AGAINST: Cole and Tazz talking up UT/Henry like it's something worth watching.

FOR: Yay! MNM/London and Kendrick! I've been waiting for this.

FOR: The faces' assisted dropkick.

FOR: I've got something we can stick in Melina's mouth to shut her up...

AGAINST: Good Lord, I apologize.

AGAINST: Still, that does need to stop.

FOR: Kendrick's apron-assisted huracanrana.

FOR: The endgame. Robinson not seeing the tag and nobody realizing it right away was well done.

AGAINST: "Setting the record straight"? That can't be good.

AGAINST: "Destiny time"? Weak.

FOR: Orton selling the dropkick into the ring post (even though everything looked to be off a little bit)

AGAINST: Helms's tights.

FOR: Heel/heel conflict.

AGAINST: Heels wrestling heels in title matches (with other heels that are next in line watching from close quarters)

FOR: Shining Wizard!

AGAINST: That was a whole lot of nothing packed into one segment. It was almost Russo-esque in its incoherence.

AGAINST: This isn't going to win Finlay any points with the Network.

FOR: Although him yanking Tsuki from the security wall back to the ring post was funny in a very sick way.


AGAINST: Daivari's gonna regret that.

FOR: See?

AGAINST: MNM's gonna regret that. Or not.

AGAINST: Isn't it a little bit of a buzzkill to end the show with Long making an announcement for next week?

AGAINST: This episode. One of the worst in months.


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