Indy it.

I'm considering doing a weekly post where I choose a random indy/puro guy and post a few nifty matches that I think people here will dig. Mostly from, though I know of a few other spots to find stuff as well. Maybe, just maybe, people would want to comment on said matches. Or maybe review them or something. Wait...that would be nutty.

There are instructions out there on how to actually download from youtube, but I'll leave that much up to you, mostly because I'm jealous of your 'net connection that actually allows you to download this stuff. Bastids.

I'll start with Low Ki, simply because the Ki/KENTA match got posted this week and it's getting crazy hype.

Low Ki v. KENTA (ROH: Final Battle '05 - 12.17.05)


Low Ki/Samoa Joe v. Kenta Kobashi/Homicide (ROH: Unforgettable - 10.2.05)


Low Ki/Brian Danielson v. Samoa Joe/Jushin Lyger (ROH: Weekend of Thunder Night 2 - 11.6.04)


Low Ki v. AJ Styles (Zero One U$A PPV - 1/5/03)


Lemme know what you think. Should I keep doing this? Are people actually checking them out? Or should I spend the 10 minutes this took me doing something more useful, like taking a crap or something? I'm so sorry for that visual. And yeah, I managed to pick 3 matches that I haven't even seen (I have seen Ki/AJ), though I have the Unforgettable DVD sitting around waiting to be watched. So much for my part of the conversation. What a geek am I!


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