Friday Night SmackDown! 2/17/2006: For and Against

AGAINST: Sylvan's still around?

FOR: Sylvan using the ropes for leverage on the backbreaker after Rey's missed bronco buster.

Randy's promo.

AGAINST: People laughing after Henry says he's gonna take Undertaker out. That's not good for the rep.

FOR: Cole: "Why are we gonna watch this stuff again?"

AGAINST: Wasn't Helms supposed to face Kid Kash this week? (EDIT: says "family emergency", so that's all right then.)

FOR: Helms's coat. As cool as his tights aren't.

FOR: This match.

AGAINST: Scotty taking so long.

FOR: Finisher Bingo~~~~

FOR: Only in wrestling can you get cheers by pulling out a sword.

FOR: Kennedy: "We need a pirate in this business."

AGAINST: Why is JBL still wearing his hat?

WHAT?: Sharmell: "Michael Cole, you scream like a little girl with an ingrown toenail." Cole: "No, that's the guy on Raw." What's he mean by that?

AGAINST: Theye really need to secure the ring apron banners better.

FOR: Booker's back on the "eye muscle" kick.

FOR: The whole commentary sequence with Sharmell admitting she never gets a word in edgewise at home (AGAINST: Which I find VERY hard to believe) and lost under Booker's volume was another zinger from Cole: "I don't have to understand English. I work with Tazz."

AGAINST: Benoit covering JBL. Finlay's legal! You know better.

FOR: The replay. Totally missed the ending.

AGAINST: Do Gymini have names yet?

FOR: Cole: "Well, I have a lot to say but I can't say it on national television."

AGAINST: Lot of hair issues in this match.

FOR: The Angle video package.

AGAINST: How do they not put Cena-Edge in the RAW Rebound?

FOR: Melina gets swerved again. C'mere, baby. It's OK.

FOR: We're supposed to think Jeff's coming back, right? I just want to make sure I'm being led in the right direction here.

FOR: Maybe it's Noble (who was semi-conspicuous by his absence during the cruiserweight deal, and Kash was in the graphic)

AGAINST: Melina's headband.

AGAINST: Did Angle's music skip?

FOR: This odd display of one-upmanship.

AGAINST: Angle and Taker not paying attention.


FOR: Angle: "I won! I won!" TAKER: chokeslam ANGLE: A'ight.



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