Friday Night SmackDown! 4/20/2006: For and Against

FOR: Shane recapping SNME so I don't have to do it (and because I think I taped over it)

AGAINST: The lighting.

FOR: The Wimbledon reference.

FOR: Oh, they're chanting "England." Thanks, Cole.

AGAINST: JBL, International Goodwill Ambassador.

FOR: Regal wearing JBL's hat.

FOR: Tazz, M.D.

FOR: Regal's counter to the Clothesline From Hell.

AGAINST: That the Clothesline From Hell is still called that.

FOR: The Gunner Scott self-callback.

FOR: The six-man tag this feud needed.

FOR: How DID Super Crazy get a John Deere over to London?

FOR: Cole: "I got an idea. Maybe Melina shouldn't scream until MNM wins a match again." I'm for that.

FOR: The boys are all "They didn't pin US."

FOR: Did Jillian just turn face?

AGAINST: It's a real shame that's baby powder.

FOR: Tazz: "I think those girls need a spot of tea."

FOR: Lashley's promo. That's a good style for him.

FOR: Cole: "I talked with Mark Henry - from a distance -"

FOR: The predictable "Lashley explodes out of the corner with a clothesline" spot not actually working.

FOR: The crowd popping for Lashley knocking Henry down.

AGAINST: A countout?

FOR: Side pyro for Booker tonight.

AGAINST: The cartoon caricature in Finlay's video.

FOR: He's bigger than the phone booth.

AGAINST: Get out of the ring, Kristal.

AGAINST: They attached Daivari to you for a reason. Stop doing that.

FOR: "What?" indeed.

FOR: Rey flipping out of the fireman's carry as Tazz is talking about how slippery he is.

FOR: The Angle Slam/DDT counter.

FOR: The Drop The Dime as Angle's crawling back into the ring.

AGAINST: Mark Henry? Again?

AGAINST: He's only backing up to get a running start, Cole.


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