Video Vault numero cinco (or, who needs a stinkin' theme?)

Bah! Bah! Bah!
Yeah...I have no clue if this is number five or not, but this is officially entering Heart Punch canon and will be numbered consistently from here on. Unless I retcon it six months from now! Uh, anyway, I search the Tube so you don't have to. Lots of niftiness to be found this week, so enjoy.
Eddy Guerrero v. Rey Misterio Jr v. CM Punk (IWA:MS Spring Heat - 3.1.02)
I mentioned this match in the ROH recap I posted a few weeks back. Not mind blowing or anything, but definitely a fun watch. I've found myself, entirely by coincidence, watching a bunch of random Eddy matches recently. Still tough knowing that he's not around. At any rate, it's interesting to see Punk, who was just becoming a "name" at this point, work two legends. (19:16)
Matt Capotelli v. Johnny Jeter (2/3 falls; OVW: 11.9.05)
Awesome match that shows the quality of programming that OVW is capable of. One of Capotelli's last matches before being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Johnny has gone on to become a member of the Spirit Squad, but don't hold that against him. I find the gimmick to be rather entertaining in a perverse sort of way, actually, but you know my taste in wrestling runs towards the odd. Chances are, if everyone else hates it, I'll dig it. (33:32)
"Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney v. "Classic" Colt Cabana v. Delirious (IWA:MS Revolution Strong Style Tournament '05 - 12.30.05)
This was referred to as the "Chris Candido Memorial Strong Style Comedy Match" for good reason. Buckets of fun. Funny stuff from all three. Actually, these guys are a rare breed. Comedy workers who are actually funny. Lll three can bring the goods in the ring without the ha-has, but even when they're 100% in shtick mode they're still a blast to watch. Sweeney's ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Title is up for grabs, 'natch. Possibly the most prestigious title in the business. (30:18)