Friday Night SmackDown! 5/19/2006: For and Against

FOR: Kane as Rey's opponent. Check the date.

FOR: JBL's turn on the Pulp Fiction "Fuck pride" speech.

FOR: Melina's outfit.

FOR: Is that Fink doing the ring announcing tonight?

FOR: Tazz: "I know you're a big fan of knee pads."

FOR: Cole recalling Jillian getting her start with MNM.

AGAINST: Oh, you're back to that, Melina?

FOR: Cole: "I cannot believe you just said 'broad'."

FOR: MNM's tag off the leg bar.

FOR: The buildup to this match has been the best out of everything on the Judgment Day card.

FOR: This match.

FOR: The slow-motion Dropsault in the replay.

FOR: I wasn't expecting that finish.

AGAINST: We're running the See No Evil premiere footage again?

FOR: Is that a "Lashley" chant?

AGAINST: That's a little strange, to bring Booker out at this point without a mic or anything.

FOR: Oh, he's got a match next. OK then.

AGAINST: Why is Finlay sitting on the top turnbuckle?

FOR: Gunner as Ricky Morton.

FOR: This match.

FOR: Lashley coming back out and sitting on the throne.

AGAINST: Sharmell being at all concerned.

FOR: The look on Lashley's face.

FOR: This Undertaker/Khali video package.

AGAINST: Oh, Daivari. This was going so well. Why'd you give him your mic?

AGAINST: No "What?" chant?

FOR: Tazz: "Did he say what I think he said?"

AGAINST: Henry's sweating already?

AGAINST: "I'll eat your face off?" Who is he, Mike Tyson?

AGAINST: This "Is Vito a cross-dresser?" angle.

FOR: I love being right.

FOR: D'OH!!!

FOR: JBL, Benoit, Lashley, Taker, Angle, London & Kendrick, Melina, Helms.


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