Return of the return of the video vault - random edition!

Necro says hi!

Figured that I'd bring this back, because NO ONE DEMANDED IT! Heh. It's become just a 'lil bit harder to find decent stuff on the Tube, but I try. This is just some stuff I liked. Perhaps you will too!

Necro Butcher vs. Samoa Joe (IWA-MS: Necro vs. Joe II - 1.12.06)

What more can I say? It's the sequel to my favorite match from 2005. The first one is better, certainly (not to mention that they had the novelty of a first meeting with no one knowing what to expect), but I think people are too hard on this one. The first match played to the Philly crowd. This one plays to the Midwest crowd. Different crowds entirely. ROH has booked Part Three, so this feud still has some legs.

Mike Quackenbush vs. Claudio Castagnoli (CHIKARA: Negative Balance - 8.13.06)

Claudio is just so entertaining. That he's an excellent worker on top ois just icing on the cake. The series with Quack showed off how versatile both guys are. You have a Swedish guy working a European style versus an American guy who works like a Luchadore filtered through the goofiness of CHIKARA and what you end up with is a hell of a match. If you don't enjoy CHIKARA, you're dead inside...

Quack vs. Claudio (CHIKARA: Running in the Red - 11.13.05)

This is the rematch to the prior match. Also a super, super match.

Kenta Kobashi vs. KENTA - 3.5.06

Actually, I haven't watched this yet. Read decent reviews from those who have, though.. It ends with a Burning Hammer, so Josh, at least, will dig it. Because he's a head drop whore. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

As always, if you find yourself digging this stuff, you can pick up both IWA-MS and CHIKARA shows from Support the indy wrestling and the indy wrestling will support you. Or something.


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