ECW on Sci-Fi (5.29.07)


-Randy Orton comes out. He shows clips of what he did to Rob Van Dam on Raw. Apparently, Van Dam has challenged him to a Stretcher Match at One Night Stand. Orton finds this fitting, since Shawn Michaels had to be stretchered out as well. Tommy Dreamer comes out. Challenges are tossed out and accepted, so we have ourselves a main event. Orton promises to kill the legend of ECW.

-Later tonight, Bobby Lashley and Vince McMahon go face to face. Also, and much more importantly, CM Punk squares off with Elijah Burke in a No Disqualification match. And it's coming up next! Tremendous!


CM Punk v. Elijah Burke - No DQ -

Lockup, side headlock by Punk. He chains it into a hammerlock, but Burke takes him down with a drop toehold. The grapple on the mat for a bit and Punk takes control, driving a few MMA-style knees to Burke's back. Burke takes him down with a single leg, but misses an elbowdrop. Punk lays in some kicks, but Burke cuts him off with a kneelift. Burke uses more knee-based offense than Triple H ever did. Makes him no less awesome, though. Punk reverses a hammerlock and takes Burke down. He fights back up and manages to elbow free. He bounces off the ropes, but Punk nails him with a dropkick.

Burke rolls into the corner. Punk tries to pull him out, but he hangs onto the ropes. This is fine with Punk, as he just stomps him low instead. Harsh. He takes Burke over with a snapmare, then lays in the spine kick. This pisses Burke off to no end. He pops right back up and starts hammering Punk with forearms. He responds with some kicks, taking Burke down for a quick nearfall. Burke sends him into the corner, but charges into a back elbow. Punk follows with a springboard crossbody. He whips Burke into the ropes and Burkes hangs on. Punk then clotheslines him over the top. Burke grabs a chair. He climbs onto the apron and Punk dropkicks it into him.


When we come back, things have returned to the ring. Burke has Punk grounded with a rear waistlock. During the break, Punk went for a springboard crossbody off the barricade. Burke ducked out of the way and Punk ended up reinjuring his ribs. Burke then drove him back/ribs first into the post. Back to live action. Punk gets to his feet, but Burke drives him into the corner. A series of body blows drop him and Burke starts choking him. Burke slingshots off the ropes and drops an elbow to the ribs. Cover gets two. Just noticed that there's a table in the ring as well.

Burke goes back to the rear waistlock and pounds away at the ribs. Punk sits out and rolls him up for two. Burke drops him with an uppercut and gets a nearfall of his own. He plants Punk with a flapjack, then kicks him in the face. He props up the table in the corner. Punk ducks a clothesline and comes back with some strikes. Burke reverses a whip. Punk slides between his legs and goes for a kick. Burke catches his foot, but Punk levels him with an enzuigiri. He covers, but Burke escapes at two.

Punk tries to send Burke into the table, but they trade reversals and he ends up whipping Burke into the opposite corner. He follows him in with the running knee strike, but Burke counters the bulldog into a back suplex. Punk rolls onto the apron. He snaps Burke's throat across the top rope and goes for his springboard clothesline. He slips, though, crashing and burning to the mat. Burke thinks quickly, immediately rolling him up for two. Punk pops up and hits the KENTA Rush.

He lifts Burke for Go To Sleep, but that would be Marcus Cor Van's cue to run in, carrying a chair. Punk catches him coming in and tosses the chair into his face. Meanwhile, Burke is using the table to pull himself up. Punk notices this and pulls down his kneepads. He's going to jack the Elijah Express! Burke says EH EH to that, kicking him in the gut. Punk slips away from an attempted slam, then hoists Burke back up for the GTS. Burke rakes his eyes. He turns and Cor Van Pounces him through the table! Burke covers and gets the win!

Incredible, PPV quality match. Haven't seen the match at Judgment Day, but I can definitely say that this one brought the goods. I sincerely hope that the Draft pulls neither of these guys off of the ECW roster. Both of them are so much fun to watch and their stuff is what made me decide to recap this show again.


-Vince and Lashley go "face to face" via their respective studios. Vince thinks that Lashley is too relaxed. Lashley isn't sure why he should be stressed out. After all, he has an "easy match" at ONS. They argue for a bit and Vince gets pissed off because Lashley keeps cutting him off. He tells Lashley to respect his elders. After all, Vince is old enough to be Lashley's…uncle. "My Dad's uncle." sez Lashley. Heh. He earned a brief pass from me with that line. The look on Vince's face after he said it was absolutely priceless.

-The announcers run down the lineup for One Night Stand. Doesn't look particularly inspiring. The ladder match should be fun, though and seeing Cena FU Khali will certainly be visually impressive, at least. Not sure if there's enough gimmickry in the world to cover up for the match itself, though, and I'm a big fan of Cena's work.

-Replay of the replay of Randy Orton concussing RVD on Raw.


-Extreme Expose. This weeks tune is "Maneater" by Nelly Furtado.

Kevin Thorn v. Balls Mahoney -

Thorn jumps Balls at the bell. He whips him into the ropes and ducks his head. Balls kicks him. Thorn totally shrugs it off and levels him with a clothesline. He stomps on Balls for a bit, then posts him in the corner. Spinebuster by Thorn. He quickly hits Original Sin and gets the win.

That was quick. Not enough Thorn destroying jobbers for my taste, but he's definitely picked it up over the last few weeks.

-The Major Brothers chat backstage. Matt Striker walks up and taunts them with the idea that they might be broken up by the Draft. They really don't seem to mind all that much. They point out that their first victory in ECW came at Striker's expense. He tells them that he has a challenge for them next week.


Randy Orton v. Tommy Dreamer -

They trade headlock reversals to open the match. Dreamer shoots Orton into the ropes, but gets tackled. They fight for a suplex on the apron, but neither guy can get it. Orton snaps Dreamer's throat across the top rope, then follows with a dropkick that sends Dreamer off of the apron. Orton rolls him back in and gets two. Dreamer bounces off the ropes, but Orton buries a knee into his gut. He heads up top, but Dreamer cuts him off. They trade strikes and Dreamer take control. Superplex!

Dreamer follows up with a pair of clotheslines and goes for a whip. Orton reverses, looking for another dropkick, but Dreamer hangs onto the ropes. Jacknife cover gets two. He bulldogs Orton, then plants him with a Rydeen Bomb for another nearfall. He ties Orton to the Tree of Woe and catches him with a dropkick. Inverted DDT by Dreamer. He goes for a normal DDT, but Orton counters free and spikes him with an RKO to pick up the win!

Postmatch, Orton gives him another RKO. He kicks Dreamer in the head a few times and RVD comes running out. Orton ducks a spin kick and lands one punch to the head that leaves RVD laying in a heap in the ropes.


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