ECW on Sci-Fi (6.5.07)

-One Night Stand footage shows Bobby Lashley regaining the ECW title. Yawn.

-Opening montage.

-Vince McMahon is sitting on a stage. By himself. In a rocking chair. This probably won't end well. Lashley is headed to the ring! Vince doesn't even acknowledge his presence.

Bobby Lashley v. Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer & Sandman - Hardcore Handicap match -

The Originals grab plunder before rolling in. They whale on Lashley and he bails. He comes in and the mugging continues. Lashley again gets the hell outta Dodge. He suplexes Dreamer, but Sandman cuts him off with cane shots. He and Dreamer suplex Lashley in the floor. Dreamer goes for a whip, but gets reversed into the steps. Balls jumps Lashley and rolls him in. He and Sandman lift Lashley and dump him gutfirst across the top rope. Balls hold on to him as Sandman heads up top, hitting a legdrop. Cover gets two. Vince looks on, his expression unchanged.

Lashley is tied to the Tree of Woe. Balls holds a chair in his face and Dreamer connects with his running dropkick. Sandman slides a table in. As he props it up in the corner, Dreamer holds Lashley. Balls goes for a chairshot, but Lashley moves and he blasts Dreamer with it by mistake. Balls quickly nails Lashley with the chair. He climbs to the second rope, but misses a legdrop, landing on the chair. Lashley picks up Sandman and spears him into the table. Spear to Balls! That's a wrap!

Postmatch, Lashley climbs onto the stage. He gets in Vince's face and taunts him. Vince doesn't seem to notice.


Kevin Thorn v. Stevie Richards -

Stevie! Poor, poor Stevie. Thorn shoves him into the corner and pounds on him. Stevie ducks a clothesline and fires back with forearms. He uses Thorn's momentum to toss him out. Stevie dives off the apron, but Thorn catches him and drops him throatfirst across the barricade. Thorn rolls him in. Shortarm clothesline gets two. He whips Stevie into the corner. He goes for the floatover, but Thorn catches him, this time dropping him throatfirst across the top rope.

He spears Stevie into the corner. Stevie avoids a kick and Thorn's leg gets caught up in the ropes. Steviekick connects! He follows with a clothesline and a pair of back elbows. Drop toehold sends Thorn into the ropes. Stevie connects with a dropkick to the back and gets two. He goes for a whip, but Thorn shortarms him into a Tree Slam. He goes for Original Sin, but Stevie slips away, snapping his throat across the top rope. He heads up top, but Thorn crotches him. Original Sin. He covers and gets the win.

-Later, the Major Brothers face the New Breed combo of Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Van.


-Extreme Expose time. "Ay Chico" by Pitbull is this week's song.

-Clips of RKO KO'ing RVD @ ONS. If you understood that sentence, you probably watch too much wrestling. Go outside!

-New Breed intro.


New Breed (Burke & Cor Van) v. Major Brothers -

Cor Van attacks both guys at the bell, finally singling out Brian and pounding on him in the corner. Brian fires back with chops and tags Brett. He comes in off the second rope, dropping a double axehandle across Cor Van's arm. He works the arm briefly and tags Brian, who also comes in with the double axe. Cor Van clocks him with a back elbow and tags Burke. He misses an elbowdrop and Brian grabs an armbar. Or…possibly not, as Tazz is now calling the dude in the ring Brett. There was no tag! Well, now there was. But Styles is agreeing with him, saying that Brian tagged in. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, I guess.

Anyway, the Major Bros hit a double hiptoss and pick up a nearfall. Burke comes back, leveling Brian with a big tackle. He catches Major going for a leapfrog and plants him with a flapjack. Cover gets two. Cor Van tags. And now Tazz is calling the guy in the ring Brett. I was right all along! VINDICATION! Cor Van slams Brett and knocks Brian off of the apron. He whips Brett into the heel corner and drops him with a clothesline on the rebound. Burke tags in.

He whips Brett into Cor Van, who plants him with a powerslam in the corner. That leads to Burke hitting his handstand elbowdrop thing out of the corner for a nearfall. Brett tries to mount a comeback, but eats an uppercut for his troubles. Hell, it was almost a Dragon Punch. Ryu would be proud. If he weren't fictional and all, you know. Cor Van tags in. Brett again fights back, this time taking a knee to the gut. Cor Van covers for a nearfall.

He spears Brett into the heel corner and tags Burke. He locks an abdominal stretch, with Brett countering out via hiptoss. Burke drives a knee into his back, sending him into his corner, where he makes the tag. Brian comes in and cleans house. He plants Burke with a spinebuster and gets a two count. O'Connor Roll by Major, but the heels make a blind tag. Cor Van comes in and kicks Brian right in the throat. He follows with the Pounce. Brett tries to come in, but Burke leaps over the pile with a dropkick and knocks him to the floor. This one is over.

-Still to come, CM Punk versus Matt Striker!


-Clips from the handicap match earlier tonight.

-Punk gets his intro.


-Striker is out. He's going to teach Punk a lesson tonight and says that when he's through, everyone will look up to him.

CM Punk v. Matt Striker -

They trade rear waistlock reversals at the start. Striker quickly wearies of this and knees Punk in the gut. Punk reverses a whip, though, connecting with a leg lariat. He takes Striker down with a snapmare, then scores with a spine kick for two. He whips Striker into the corner and follows with a running forearm strike. He signals for a second, but Striker's superior intellect allows him to cut this off with a back elbow. He goes for a clothesline, but Punk kicks the arm away. Striker reverses him into the corner and levels him with an enzu-lariat.

Striker stomps on Punk, who responds with a series of kicks. Striker ducks a kick and plants Punk with a back suplex. He follows with a Northern Lights suplex, then goes for a half crab. Punk uses his free leg to kick free. Striker casually kicks him in the spine, then slams him. Punk comes back with a quick rollup, but he can only get two. Striker immediately pops up and drops him with a clothesline. He stumbles a bit applying a Boston Crab, so he releases it, drops an elbow to the back and goes back to the half crab.

Punk escapes. Striker goes for a whip, but Punk shortarms him, hoisting him up for the GTS. Striker hangs onto the ropes for dear life. He slips away from Punk, then spikes him with an elevated spinning neckbreaker for a nearfall. Back to the half crab, but Punk reaches the ropes. Striker tries to lock it in once again, but Punk rolls him up for another quick two.

He ducks a clothesline and connects with the KENTA Rush. Kawada kicks from Punk! He hits the running knee strike in the corner and follows with the bulldog. Cover gets two. Striker fires back. He sets up for a spinning neckbreaker, but Punk spins through. He lifts Striker up and tells him to GO TO SLEEP. Striker obliges and that's that.

Really flat show this week. Hopefully business will pick up after the draft.

EDIT: I originally wrote this before the draft show, just didn't get a chance to type it up until last night. I'd say that business indeed picked up, what with Vince McMahon BLOWING THE FUCK UP and all. Hrmph. I'll be back later today with the current show. Lots of Vinc-entric (look, a new word!) entertainment that I was able to blow through really quickly. Tremendous!


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