ECW on Sci-Fi (6.19.07)

-Opening montage. With no champion to focus on, CM Punk gets the coveted final shot.

-Later tonight, Punk squares off with Marcus Cor Van and Chris Benoit faces Elijah Burke. The winners advance to Vengeance: Night of Champions, where the ECW Title will be up for grabs.

-Vince stuff. I'll be typing that a bunch in the coming weeks (months) as it's little more than a fast forward point for me, so get used to it!

Chris Benoit v. Elijah Burke -

This is going to rock. Seriously, why is Burke not getting the love he deserves. He's churning out some consistently awesome TV matches and working smart while he does it. Thank heavens they dropped Terkay, so the star of the team was given a chance to shine. And, uh…yeah. I think Chris Benoit has shown himself to be pretty nifty in the past as well!

Benoit opens the match with a rear waistlock takedown. They trade reversals on the mat for a bit and Benoit ends up shoving him into the corner. He moves in, but eats a back elbow. Double leg by Burke, who makes the cover. Benoit is out at one. He slaps Burke upside the head and chops him. Burke ducks a second and rolls him up for another quick nearfall. Benoit tries to snap on the Crossface, but Burke scurries to the ropes. He kicks Benoit in the gut, but takes a nasty chop in return. He manages to corner Benoit and starts punching away at him.

He whips Benoit chestfirst into the opposite corner (and hard!) and covers him for two. He stomps away at Benoit's ribs and locks him in a seated abdominal stretch. Benoit tries to fight up, so Burke switches to a front facelock. Bad move, as Benoit counters with a Northern Lights suplex for two. Burke pops up and kicks him in the back of the head. He lifts Benoit for a vertical suplex, but drops him gutfirst across the top rope. Burke then knocks Benoit off of the apron and to the floor. He rolls him in and covers for two.

Burke chokes him in the ropes. He bounces off the ropes, looking for a splash, but there's no one home. Benoit sends him into the ropes and tries to kill him with a back elbow. He takes Burke over with a snap suplex and floats into a cover, getting two. He follows with another Northern Lights suplex, but Burke escapes at two. Rolling Germans by Benoit! He heads up top for the diving headbutt, but Burke gets his knees up and Benoit goes facefirst into them. Holy crap!

Burke plants Benoit with an STO and makes the cover. Despite the fact that he just knocked his own face off, Benoit kicks out at two! Burke lifts him for a suplex, but Benoit escapes after a few well placed knee strikes. He goes for another German, but Burke blocks it. Benoit ducks the ensuing back elbow and takes him down. He's looking for the Sharpshooter, but Burke kicks him away. He lines up for the Elijah Express, but Benoit moves. He locks Burke in the Sharpshooter and we have ourselves a tapout! Benoit advances to Vengeance!

Good match. I wish they'd gotten a bit more time, but that's one of the limitations of televised wrestling. As long as they get to work a bunch more times, I know that I'll be a happy camper, at least.

-Up next…Vince stuff.


-It is indeed Vince stuff. They weren't lying! Steph has gotten cute again. The blonde look wasn't working for her at all.

Boogeyman v. Sean Alexander -

Lockup. Tree Slam. Worm bath. Fin. Well, if they do *this* every week, I won't even mind having him on this show. Let's get to something I care about. Or, WWE's Murder She Wrote.


-Have we talked about Vince McMahon dying yet? Because he totally did!

Tommy Dreamer v. Kevin Thorn -

I'm glad that Thorn didn't get shipped to another show. I'm probably the only person who cares, though. I usually am! Anyway, Thorn nails Dreamer with a back elbow in the corner. He follows up with a slam, then tackles him. Dreamer trips him up and looks like he's going for a Bow & Arrow submission, but Thorn is in the ropes. Dreamer tries to whip him into the ropes, but Thorn shortarms it and plants him with a spinebuster. He stomps on Dreamer and drops an elbow. Whip and Thorn ducks his head. Dreamer is looking for a sunset flip, but Thorn blocks it and stomps him again. This time, though, the elbow misses.

Dreamer crawls into the corner. Thorn charges, but Dreamer takes him down with a drop toehold, sending him crashing into the corner. He follows with a seated dropkick and a bulldog. He hooks Thorn for the DDT, but Thorn counters free and lines up for a clothesline. Dreamer ducks it and scores with a Rydeen Bomb! Cover gets two. Dreamer's ankle looks a bit gimpy. He punches away at Thorn in the corner. Thorn shoves him down hard. Dreamer continues to clutch at the ankle. Thorn quickly covers him and gets the win. I guess he might actually be injured. Hard to tell with Dreamer, what with him working with a BROKEN BACK in the past…

-Up next? Well…you know.


-Theme for Vengeance is "Gone" by Fuel. They're actually a local band that played around here all the time before they got big. Why anyone would care about such a useless factoid I'm not sure!

-Oh, Vince is still dead, if you cared.

Johnny Nitro v. Nunzio -

Fireman's carry takedown by Nunzio into a rear waistlock. Nitro tries to escapes, but Nunzio rides it out. Nitro finally makes it to his feet. He charges, but Nunzio takes him down with a gorgeous side headlock. Great throw there. Nitro fights to his feet and shoves Nunzio chestfirst into the corner. He catches him with a springboard kick to the face on the rebound. Cover gets two. He hits his Capoeira legdrop for another nearfall. Cravate by Nitro. He knees Nunzio in the gut and goes for a Hangman's neckbreaker. Nunzio spins free, elbows him in the back and levels him with a flying clothesline. He takes Nitro over with a satellite headscissors.

Corner charge by Nunzio. Nitro catches him and sits him up top. Nunzio shoves him away and connects with a missile dropkick. Cover gets two. He locks Nitro in a surfboard, but Nitro flips forward and catches him with a dropkick. He plants Nunzio with a backbreaker, then immediately pulls him into a Hangman's neckbreaker. Cover gets two. He follows up with some sort of spinning neckbreaker and picks up the win.

This was a fun match. Nunzio did a bit more than I thought he'd get to. Nitro is super athletic and I think he'll be good on this roster. I just hope he grows as a worker at the rate Punk/Burke/Cor Van have seemed to.

-Speaking of Cor Van, he's backstage with Burke, telling him that he's going to go through both Punk and Benoit to become the ECW Champ. Burke doesn't look pleased.


-Video package for Miz. Afterwards, we see K² and crew backstage. The one whose name I don't know (not the diva search chick…the other one) is ready to fuck him right then and there. She walks off and we find out that K² already seems to have done so. WHEN EXTREME EXPOSE EXPLODES!

-Marcus Cor Van intro.


Marcus Cor Van v. CM Punk -

Punk ducks a clothesline at the bell and fires away at Cor Van with a series of forearms. He sends him into the corner, but Cor Van rebounds out with a clothesline He pounds on Punk and rams him into the corner. Whip to the opposite corner, but Punk leaps to the second ropes and comes back with a crossbody for two. He takes Cor Van over with a pair of armdrags and grabs a hammerlock. Cor Van punches away at Punk's ribs to escape. Punk ducks another clothesline and takes Cor Van down with a fireman's carry for a quick nearfall.

He lays in a series of kicks and goes for a backslide, but Cor Van will have none of that. He counters into an armbar takedown. He pounds away at the arm and posts Punk in the corner. Cor Van rolls out and wraps Punk's arm around the post. Back in, they trade strikes. Cor Van takes control, grabbing a hammerlocks and taking Punk down with a drop toehold. Who knew Monty could wrestle? He drives a knee into the injured shoulder and covers him for two. He goes back to cranking on the arm, but Punk rolls him up and gets a nearfall of his own.

Cor Van pops up immediately and levels Punk with a clothesline. Back to the hammerlock. Punk fights to his feet. He flips up and over Cor Van, then bounces off the ropes. He's looking for a crossbody, but Cor Van catches him and turns it into a fallaway slam. Cover gets two. Armbar by Cor Van. Punk tries to escape, but takes a knee to the gut for his troubles. Cor Van whips him into the corner, but charges into a back elbow. A second charge goes no better, as Punk gets a boot up. He comes off the second rope and drops Cor Van with a clothesline.

Punk sends him into the ropes and connects with a leg lariat. He hits the corner knee strike/bulldog combo, then climbs onto the apron. He goes for a springboard crossbody, but Cor Van catches him. He tries to turn it into a powerslam, but stumbles a bit and spikes Punk directly on the top/back of his head. HARD. He covers, but Punk escapes at two. Punk looks out of it. Butterfly suplex by Cor Van. He charges into the corner, but Punk avoids it. He quickly hoists him up and hits the GTS for the win.

It'll be Benoit versus Punk at Vengeance. YES! I'm totally geeking out about that. Not enough to order the PPV or anything, but I will pick up the DVD at some point. Speaking of Benoit, he comes out and we have ourselves a staredown! They shake hands, but on Sunday it'll be on like neckbone…

Great show this week. Everything zipped along and there was some really fun wrestling. I hate that there's so much focus on the VKM stuff, but yeah, what are you gonna do? It can't go on forever, can it? No really...can it?


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