Video Vault 24 - HUSS!

The end results of the cage match with Whitmer...

Lots of nifty stuff this time around. I was trying to pull only the newest matches I could find, hoping that maybe people here hadn't seen them. Not sure if anyone watches these, though, so there you go! It's interesting that no one seems to post the new TNA stuff. Don't know if that means anything in particular, though, or if I'm just not looking hard enough.

Jimmy Jacobs v. BJ Whitmer - Last Man Standing (ROH - Battle of the Icons - 1.27.07)


Jimmy Jacobs, Adam Pearce & Lacey v. BJ Whitmer, Colt Cabana & Daisy Haze - Street Fight (ROH - Fifth Year Anniversary:Philly - 2.17.07)


Jimmy Jacobs v. BJ Whitmer - Cage match (ROH - Supercard of Honor II - 3.31.07)

Part One (18:56)
Part Two (13:26)

Jacobs/Whitmer is pretty well the feud of the first half of the year, I imagine. The cage match is getting some early match of the year candidate buzz as well. Supposed to be quite the violent specatacle. All of this violence and bloodshed for Jacobs and his love of the lovely Lacey. It's almost poetic or something. Haven't seen it (or any of the ROH stuff I'm posting today, actually) myself. Again, I hate watching wrestling on my shitty ass monitor and I'll be buying all of these DVDs anyway, so I can wait.

Kevin Steen & El Generico v. Briscoe Brothers (ROH - Fifth Year Festival:Philly - 2.17.07)

Part One (11:11)
Part Two (7:45)

Steen and Generico need to MAN UP, DAWG! MAN UP! Gotta love the Briscoes.


CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka & SHINGO v. Dragon Kid, Ryo Saito & Masaaki Mochizuki (ROH - Supercard of Honor II - 3.31.07)

Part One (19:27)
Part Two (14:08)

Not as good as the Dragon Gate six man from the first Supercard is what I've read. Still supposed to be a really fun match. There are also those who say that it was every bit as good as last year's match, but that it was hurt by having to follow the Jacobs/Whitmer cage match. Watch them both and decide for yourself!

Eddie Kingston v. Necro Butcher (IWA-MS: Strong Style Tournament 2005 - 12.30.05)

Can't do a VV post without exposing the world to more and more and more of the Necro Butcher. As an added bonus, you get Kingston, who's probably my favorite wrestler in the world right now. He gets his shit fucked up but good in this one, though. (13:00)

World's Greatest Tag Team v. Hardy Boyz - Ladder Match (WWE: One Night Stand 2007 - 6.3.07)

Meltzer seemed to dig this one when he was running down the show. I haven't watched any WWE TV this week, though, so I have no idea how it came off. I guess Shelton was the star of the match. Shame how he seems to be stuck in the background. I would have figured that he'd have stepped up a bit by now. (17:43)


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