Friday Night SmackDown! 6/8/2007: For and Against

FOR: Cartoon Edge in the credits.

FOR: Sign of the Week: "Crude, Lewd, and Booed"

AGAINST: Vince for president, JBL?

FOR: Vince is mad at Edge?

AGAINST: Vince's accent.

FOR: That very strange Finlay/Hornswaggle video package.

FOR: They should always be this short.

AGAINST: Cole: "That's not necessary!"

AGAINST: Long standing in the background like he's supposed to be there.

FOR: The creeped-out look on Kristal's face as Vince enters the office.

AGAINST: Vince seeing what Teddy doesn't.

FOR: Daivari's still around?

AGAINST: Did Noble's arm actually snap?

FOR: Cole on 'Tinker to Evers to Chance': "Glad you're using references from the 1930's." JBL: "Actually, the 20s."

FOR: JBL giving Noble the Matt Hardy treatment.

FOR: SLICED BREAD #3!!! That's what I'm calling it.

AGAINST: Is Edge wearing a watch?

AGAINST: You know the straits are dire when you're using Steven Hunter in your season ticket commercials.

FOR: This match.

FOR: The crowd reaction to Benoit hitting the turnbuckle chest-first.

AGAINST: Did JBL just reference Criss Angel?

FOR: Benoit's rolling verticals/rolling Germans transition.

FOR: This match.

FOR: I've been waiting for that counter for years.

FOR: That rocked.

AGAINST: Seriously, WTF?!?

AGAINST: How has no one made a Billy Donovan joke tonight?

AGAINST: JBL, I'll tell you the same thing I told Cole. it's "Ballin'", not "Ball-In."

FOR: This match, somewhat surprisingly.


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