Friday Night SmackDown! 10/27/2006: For and Against

AGAINST: Why's Batista coming out in his gear?

AGAINST: That's not Finlay.

AGAINST: Is Heyman trying to recruit Batista?

FOR: ECW thumbs up? Oh, no. ECW THUMBS DOWN.

FOR: Good way to finish the Tatanka heel turn there.

AGAINST: MVP begging out of his match with Kane.

FOR: Teddy replacing him with Kennedy.

AGAINST: That Hardy/Helms video recap could've been longer.

FOR: This match.

AGAINST: JBL taking credit for the ratings.

FOR: Matt's reversal out of the Nightmare on Helms Street.

FOR: The finish.

AGAINST: Who the hell are those guys?

FOR: Oh, it's London and Kendrick.

FOR: London: "You stole my costume!"

FOR: Kendrick rendered speechless.

AGAINST: That inevitable yet awkward Benoit-Vickie conversation.

FOR: It's rare that Kane's one-day title reign even gets acknowledged.

FOR: JBL: "Nice tie, by the way."

FOR: MVP pressing down on Kennedy so Kane can't kick out.

AGAINST: JBL's wrong about that - Kennedy hasn't beaten Benoit.

FOR: Cena's speech.

AGAINST: This is officially overkill.

FOR: Here comes Benoit.

AGAINST: And there go Chavo and Vickie.

FOR: Teddy booking MVP & Kennedy vs. UT and Kane for next week.

FOR: I'm impressed that Chimel can say that with a straight face.

AGAINST: Anybody know what the hell the "black MX" JBL's talking about is? It's not these, I know that.

FOR: Jillian as Elvis. JBL: "I can see her Graceland."

FOR: I'm not feeling well right now.

FOR: And Kristal's golddigger is subtle genius. I'm very impressed so far.

AGAINST: I foresee those wings giving Ashley problems.

AGAINST: Miz as the ref? Screwjob alert!

AGAINST: JBL: "He pays them." That's not very nice.

FOR: Miz confirming the obvious.

AGAINST: Boogeyman? Who's JBL supposed to root for in this one?

AGAINST: Has anything been made of the fact that Cena has won titles from both Booker and Show in the past?

FOR: JBL: "It feels like you are hit from inside when (Show) hits you that hard."

FOR: Cole: "The winner could be an even greater champion than you were." JBL: "Call the match."

FOR: Show walking out on Booker as payback for RAW.

AGAINST: Yes, Cole did call JBL "King" by accident.


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