Friday Night SmackDown! 2/23/2007: For and Against

FOR: I'm hoping JBL takes Cole to task mercilessly for losing his voice and leaving JBL to call the main event at the PPV.

AGAINST: Looks like Batista's pyro didn't go off on cue.

FOR: So they're keeping him face. All right.

AGAINST: Cole's still sounding a little rough.

FOR: There it is. Good job, John.

FOR: Cole: "I don't even think they have arenas there."

FOR: Matt's bulldog/dropkick.

AGAINST: What's Vickie mean by that?

AGAINST: Scotty's flubbed hurricanrana.

FOR: JBL: "He took time off." Cole: "He retired."

FOR: This match has been surprisingly long.

AGAINST: JBL's 360 OTC joke falling flat.

FOR: Really? Edge has never lost at Mania?

FOR: The falls are actually counting everywhere.

FOR: Hey, where's the ring be... oh.


AGAINST: Kane could've done a better job going through the barricade.

FOR: JBL: "Get your ass off my show, Khali!"

FOR: Booker's all "WTF" then everybody realizes that the match is still going on.

FOR: Ahahahahahahaha. JBL's not gonna like this.

FOR: Cole: "You want me to do these?" JBL hasn't said anything for about 45 seconds.

FOR: JBL's Jordan/Perdue connection.

FOR: JBL: "I assume his last name's 'Man', first name 'Boogey'." "So you're calling Finlay a bastard."

FOR: Finlay throwing worms at the announcers.

FOR: Is that a choke lift modified for height discrep- OH.

FOR: Cole's stunned. "Little Bastard just won."

AGAINST: Who has sources connected to the Undertaker?

FOR: Rey's suit.


FOR: Vince keeps looking back at Rey like he's surprised that Rey's still in the ring.

AGAINST: Rey's not tall enough for the running corner splash to have the proper effect.


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